I’m a fan of how ENIAC really used the space
This damn level:
All this time money, effort, Ukrainian lives lost and property destroyed to get to this point just for Trump to swoop in and save… Russia
Ukraine should know better than to appease dictators
There isn’t any real incentive to upgrade from a base PS5
Trump will have mayhem if he tries to hamstring Ukraine
How do we pronounce Nissan in mandarin?
It’s weird
This whole issue is because of one man who has cultivated his own cult of personality
…and I do use the term “man” very loosely
He’s grown male adult that behaves like a spoiled child
Trump has done nothing to earn a cult other than making one for himself. It’s built upon nothing but disinformation and they live in a world of pure distortion that pivots instantly on a whim with zero explanation given
I doubt any follower of Trump’s has any specific idea where Trump is taking them because Trump has no idea either
He just wants to be king, he doesn’t want to do king
It’s too much work and responsibility, he’s just here for his own good time
Preferably as we all suffer
It’s a very Gore Vidal philosophy
“It’s not enough for me to win, everyone else must fail”
Especially that one
I should’ve just said PC, I don’t know what I was thinking
My brain must have just frozen when I was trying to think of a word in the absence of console
Does software count?
I’m knee deep in Caesar II and Total Annihilation campaigns
How them Taurus missiles doing?
Sure as hell did when I worked there
Henry Ford served on the board of the AFC and printed anti-semitic pamphlets and books that were required to be distributed with every new car purchased at a dealership.
The printed material made its way to Germany where the Nazis distributed it to help fan the flames which eventually led to the holocaust
That’s not a shower thought, that’s shower research