15 årig scout, tycker om nyheter, politik och datorer (FOSS)

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 20th, 2023


  • Smart, I like the shorter words. And for the suffixes your basically picking based on the digits position from the left? So you suggest the suffixes:

    Place suffix
    1 place
    4 place
    16 place Y
    64 place O
    256 place A

    I believe we’d have to continue a bit longer and maybe also have a suffix for 4th place? I would suggest using both prefixes and suffixes, maybe in this order:

    Place suffix prefix
    1 place
    4 place A
    16 place A A
    64 place O A
    256 place Y A
    1024th place O
    4096th place A O

    … And so on, you can probably see how you could keep going in order to express any number up to 16777216. After that we might have to start using two letter prefixes/suffixes like “la”, “ro” or whatever

  • A typical quantum entangled hyperbolic non-linear file system, or QEHNLFS for short. This was first described in Einstein’s fourth relativity theory. I states the following:

    In any QEHNLFS the perceived storage space (used and unused) may vary depending on the reference frame. All reference frames are equally valid and therefore the absolute storage space of the QEHNLFS is not well defined. QEHNLFSs generally appear around a central supermassive black hole, typically located at /dev/null in the QEHNLFS