• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • KDE Connect is something I keep my eye on and check in every once in a while: Is there a dedicated page tracking updates specifically to KDE Connect? I’m really very much looking forward to a time where it is feature compete with Android compared to Apple’s continuity platform. I would absolutely love to move to Android+Linux as my daily drivers, but I feel like I’m giving up on too much by leaving the Apple ecosystem.

    Does Connect use BTLE?
    Could you guys implement an auto tethering option between phone/PC?
    How instant are notifications synced? Do notifications disappear on one side or the other when viewed on one or the other platform?
    Maybe implement a “link to KDE” notification toggle to mirror the “link to windows” functionality of Android?

  • Contractions are very regional and a product of spoken English which varies quite a lot from place to place. For example, I use contractions that I don’t see people around me using like: y’all (plural 2nd person pronoun that’s missing in official English speech; verbs are conjugated the same as 2nd person singular forms), shouldn’t’ve, gonna (going to/ going to want to), wanna (want to), that’re, then’ll, then’re etc.

  • I use Apple Maps for directions and Google maps when I want to “explore” or look for restaurants. Discovery on Apple Maps is still awful and requires you to have Yelp installed. On the flipside though they beat Google to having intersection lights and stop signs on the map while driving. The overall experience and animations are also far smoother on Apple Maps which is what makes me use it for driving. Google maps, like many Google products has a low framerate for its animations.

  • The number one thing for me with a phone is specs, and the pixel phones just don’t have the top tier benchmarks so I’ll never even consider them. They’re not competing heavily enough with Samsung and Apple. Look at their pixel watch and how absolute trash that thing is (huge bezel, too small screen, bad battery life, bad fitness integration). I’ve said this to death here too btw: I hate that their software is so flat looking.

  • because Muslims are fanatics and unfit for democracy, actually kind of have a point.

    i am glad that people are starting to wake up and understand that islam is more of a political ideology than a religion.

    they’re doing it out of pure hatred towards other people

    I would take away the veracity from these statements (because ultimately people can change and Muslims are not a monolith) and I’d say I agree. There is definitely a political aim of the Muslim religion, and us westerners should be rebuking the illiberal aspects of Muslim adherents. It’s one thing to support a Muslim’s choice of religion, it’s another to think it’s okay to give up another group’s freedom because Muslims want to prescribe their beliefs.