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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 18th, 2023


  • I’m a Nintendo fanboy. I totally get the criticism, most of it is valid. The problem is that people then use things like their pricing, poor hardware, and constant use of the same IPs and extend that into a broad claim of “Nintendo Sucks”; all while completely dismissing the only thing that really matters:

    They make fun games.

    At the end of the day, despite their technical flaws, if I had to pick ONE game company to play exclusively for the rest of my life, it’d be Nintendo, there’s not even a close second for me. Despite all the complaints, if they come out with a new Zelda or Mario game, it’s more likely than not to be an absolute 10/10 game. Why? Because again, they make fun games.

    How many companies have pushed out some 4k, 120fps, hyper-realistic graphic style game, only to have completely flat gameplay? Nintendo seems to be the only company that realizes that first and foremost, they are a game company. Not a hardware company, or a graphics company, or some new metaverse VR BS company, but a game company.

  • I see literally zero problems here. Did they have a contract with an artist? They didn’t? Well then it sounds like they have no obligation to use a real artist.

    AI art is here to stay, and companies will be using it heavily. It’s ignorant to think they would choose otherwise. Why pay an artist to make an image you may not even like over the course of a few days when you could get hundreds of images to choose from in a few seconds using AI? It’s 1000 times easier and more convenient.

  • When there is a deliberate targeting of Palestinian civilians. Not just attacks done with little care for civilian casualties, but attacks where the civilian casualties are the entire point. We aren’t there yet, despite what armchair philosophers will say on this site. Israel is being reckless, callous, and is certainly commiting war crimes, but unless the Palestinians are being intentionally targeted for the sheer goal of killing as many Palestinians as possible, it doesnt fall into the definition of a genocide.