It doesn’t matter what the reasoning is. The net effect is positive.
Any pronouns. 33.
Professional developer and amateur gardener located near Atlanta, GA in the USA.
I’m using a new phone keyboard, please forgive typos.
It doesn’t matter what the reasoning is. The net effect is positive.
The most generous explanation I can get is that people who don’t put them in the corrals think they’re not as bad as other people not leaving them in the corrals because “hey, at least I put it on the curb,” or “hey, at least I didn’t didn’t leave it in the handicap area,” or “hey, at least I didn’t put it on a slope so it won’t hit any cars,” etc.
I also think there is just a ton of classism here. A lot of people feel better by belittling others. I think on some level the working class realizes they’re being taken advantage of, but rather than taking it out in those above them they make others feel lower than themselves. “I am a hard worker. I put in 60 hours a week. My body wasted away. I am honorable for doing this to support my family. I am not lazy. I have skills. Minimum wage workers at the shopping center are lazy and have no skills. I am doing them a favor. I will not stoop to their level by performing such tasks.” I think it makes working class people feel like royalty to belittle other working class people they view as less than themselves.
I don’t know how it got like this. I can make guesses all day long but I really don’t know.
There is a specific place you are supposed to put the thing when you’re done with it. It’s basically littering to do otherwise.
Do you throw trash on the ground because it’s the custodian’s job to pick it up?
Not lttering
What do you think leaving a cart in a random spot is if not littering?
This is such a weak post. You really wanna be a good steward of carts? Get one from the corral on the way in instead of using one from the inside. Especially if it’s not out of the way. Make the cart retriever’s job even easier. Especially on super hot/cold days.
I think you’re really putting the cart before the course here. Start making the game and solve these problems as you need to.
Adding Rancher Desktop to your list. It is FOSS and a replacement for Docker Desktop.
Make it make sense
Not everyone sees everything. It feels like gate keeping to assume everyone has to have seen everything based on their join date.
You can actively want to do something but be bombarded with minute ultimately irrelevant details and still get frustrated.
I feel inclined to point out that even in the context of Christian myth, God said he would destroy the world again with fire after “Noah’s reboot” (actually God’s reboot, he just spared Noah), he just said he wouldn’t use water next time. This isn’t really a shower thought so much as it is a fact of Christian myth. God said he’d return and destroy the world multiple times.
It’s not like I notice it more when I have a frame rate counter turned on, I’m just not questioning how bad or how often the drops are when I have it enabled.
Around maybe 40 or so I start to notice it. 50 and higher I’m content. My monitor only supports 60 Hz. Around 20 or less I’m annoyed. It’s tolerable for turn based games though. Not enjoyable, just tolerable.
It’s not that it’s “too hard”, it’s that even a tiny set back for something that someone is already hesitant to do can be enough to make them not do it. It’s just easier to call that “hard” or “confusing” than say “even a tiny set back for something that someone is already hesitant to do can be enough to make them not do it.”
You have to think of it from a micro blogging perspective. Imagine I have a ton of followers and have created a culture of them attacking anyone I attack. It makes more sense how it is bullying in that context.
Edit: Also, to be clear, I’m not arguing against this feature, just explaining how it can be used for bullying.
I haven’t seen bugs in Jerboa in ages.
A lack of updates doesn’t necessarily mean they’re inactive unless there are new features they need to work with or bugs they need to fix.
No problem, Han Solo.