Thanks a lot!
Thanks a lot!
Interesting: although the Dutch news outlets carry extensive messages about Karim B and his escape, none of them mention that it was him threatening Princess Amalia or PM Rutte. Amalia actually went to Spain to study because of the increased danger in Amsterdam. And then they find Karim B. also in Spain…
I wonder how credible this Politico article is and what the stories in Spanish outlets are.
Not a word about the religious motives of this action in this article.
Mixed religion marriages are not socially accepted in India. When born a Hindu, one stays Hindu. Converting to Islam and marrying a Muslim is frowned upon (not sure, but I think it is even illegal in a couple of states). So the solution for such couples was to move cities and live together without officially marrying. With this registration, Uttarakand tries to stop that as well.
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India is a problem.