Guys! Someone did something minimally good. Let’s make sure to insult him for it so he researches how to avoid it next time.
Guys! Someone did something minimally good. Let’s make sure to insult him for it so he researches how to avoid it next time.
I think the idea is, most people could build a doghouse with no training, but you need planning and education to plan/build a skyscraper. If you want to write your own app at home, maybe no software planning is really required. Keep nailing in workarounds. But if you want to build a huge system, you need to do a bit more than workarounds. You need a good plan from the start to make it all efficient and in a manner others can contribute to the code base.
That said, I feel like just having workarounds is really common even in large industry settings. Maybe I’m wrong though. I’m more of a home doghouse builder type myself.
Depends on how long it’s been. It was thought the series you got as a child was sufficient, but some people lose their immunity in the ensuing decades. Older people are sometimes getting another dose of their titers are low, but I don’t know the process to get those levels drawn.
I liked my experience on the flight simulator. Got good at flying the little Cessna around. Take off, landing, I problems at all. Decided on a new challenge. Did the landing challenge they offer. They instantly throw you into a landing random plane. It was an airliner. I tried. I fell right out of the sky way before the runway lol.
Everyone’s dose is unique. You’d have to slowly move the dose up (without overdoing it, because edibles last awhile) to the desired effect.
Batman forever: Something like “It was left by a Mr E… Mystery! And another word for mystery? Enigma!.. Mr E. Nigma…Edward Nigma!”
It’s just the same meme you have always seen, saying the same thing it always says. If you haven’t seen the meme before, you won’t know what it says. Everyone is just having fun “translating” what they have already memorized (meme-orized?).
It’s okay… I can take it… How do they pronounce gif?
We’ve had first Lord of the Rings, yes, but what about second Lord of the Rings?
If you liked Super Metroid and emulate games, look into Hyper Metroid. Someone modded the game and remade it entirely and it’s great!
As someone buying a color screen boox soon, I think it’s worth a mention that the battery is MUCH worse on boox because it has to run android. Like, the boox may last a day or two vs the Kindle Paperwhite lasting a couple weeks.
It’s not a huge issue if you are home a lot and can charge, but I love the Paperwhite because it feels like it ALWAYS is charged. It just doesn’t have the color screen so I guess I will have both now, one for comics and one for books.
Isn’t Texas like twice as big as Germany?
Change takes time. Encourage more acceptance rather than being angry a small step in the right direction is too small. This would actually be a rather large step if they move forward on this!
This is such a touchy subject I find it difficult to articulate what society actually needs. We need a system where PEDOPHILES are able to receive the mental health they need before they become MOLESTERS.
But any time you say something about helping someone who is attracted to children the knee jerk reaction is always like “kill them. What you don’t want them dead? Are YOU a pedophile?” And I end up unable to convince them that helping them to not molest children by treating their mental health condition will actually help children not be molested. I really feel like this reactionary public opinion is causing people to go underground and is actually causing more children to be harmed.
Okay he means irrigation water
I thought season 1 was okay. Weird Perrin had a wife… don’t know how that will play out later. Did they use matches at the beginning? I guess that plot is gone but it was minor enough I guess. Additional romance stuff was typical to gain a broader audience I suppose. Overall I was relatively happy. Much better than Sword of Truth’s show adaptation.
Didn’t know season 2 had started, is it further from the books?
Wheel of Time
They could fix this very quickly with a government mandated one year off for both parents having a kid. Then with government subsidy for childcare/limits on childcare pricing.
I think a very large number of people would sign up for a paid year off, especially if they were confident the kids would not bankrupt them in the following years.
Chaotic good alignment upsets my OCD the most
I think that’s incorrect. Not against the honey, but the reasoning. I think it can harbor anaerobic bacteria which the child’s immune system is not ready to handle.