
Internet should only be accessible through the command line.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • Haha, I think it’s from Remedy game studios, the “biggest” game studio in Finland and they sent Larian a award for their own pick for GOTY.

    The joke goes a few layers deep. It’s a nod to Finnish sauna tradition by sending them a sauna ladle. (used to throw the water at the hot stones)

    Secondary, it seems to be comically large.

    Thirdly an the note says, Remedy’s own game was competing for GOTY and got beaten by BG3. Seems like a self-deprecating/humble joke in that regard.

    Fourthly, it’s laughably low-effort, like a practical joke.

    Edit: Read the letter more closely and it addresses the object as “Sauna scoop”, which is correcter term for it anyway.

  • wouldn’t have even noticed if you hadn’t pointed it out.

    Yes and I think that would’ve been a good way to roll the change. There will be people who dislike the change or the concept (me included). Roll the change quietly or posting about it on project relevant communities. Then on the site displaying the banner have a note about the project leading to further reading about the project, such as posting similar to this.

    This way there would be information for those interested, not only about the project, but the change that had occured too. And ideological opponists would be blissfully ignorant about the whole matter.

    But this is just one way to do it. Any way works. Have a good day. 👍

    Edit: unaunerisming the post

  • While I agree, I’d like to add that it’s not hard to recognize and remember the very active and/or notable posters.

    Actually for the fun of it, I’ll name a few on top of my head:

    QuentinCallaghan: Sopuli founder and avid commenter.

    Ategon: Hot in the tech subs, seems like a really nice fella.

    Picard Maneuver: Memelord and legend

    Flying Squid: Meme master and commenter

    Dessalines: Dev for Lemmy, Jerboa (and the keyboard I use, thanks this is great).

    Ruut: Lemmyworld founder.

    And some more whose username I can’t recall at the moment.

    Also it’d be fun if you commnted some more. :D