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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • But do you not see the issue with needing hormonal intervention in order to “learn to love” your child? The hormonal fluctuations people experience after childbird can also cause postpartum depression and cause parents to be apathetic or even resentful towards their children. It’s not something that should be relied on or viewed as an indicator that someone will be a good parent or not. You shouldn’t need hormones to love your kid, biological or not.

    If more focus was put towards the foster system then effort could be put towards making sure the right people get to adopt the right kids more reliably. There are lots of bio parents who never should have had kids, so that is far from something exclusive to adoptive parents.

  • Honestly, yeah, for the most part. I’m not going to tell anyone they aren’t allowed to choose how they have a kid, and I’m not saying the people who go through so much effort to have a biological child are bad people or anything, but I wish more focus and funding was put on the foster system for kids who have already been born and need homes. I think adoption should be more normalized and adopted kids should be viewed as equal to biological children, rather than them being the second, less desirable choice for getting a kid. I think if less couples viewed biological children as the end-all-be-all then there wouldn’t be as much pressure on parents to be fertile, resulting in less guilt if they don’t happen to be fertile, and adopted kids wouldn’t be viewed or treated like they’re less important. The obsession with passing on a bloodline can create a very unhealthy mindset in people, and it often comes from the societal view that a biological kid is more your kid than an adopted one, and thus you should try to get a biological kid at any cost first before settling for an adopted one.

    I’m not saying that nobody should ever have a biological kid or use IVF, I know there are lots of reasons to choose those options. I just think there should be equal focus and emphasis on supporting and normalizing adoption rather than putting so much more attention towards biological reproduction, which already gets all the attention, to the point of trying to achieve something that isn’t particularly necessary. That’s just my personal opinion on the topic at least.

  • I was surprised that I haven’t heard more about Returnal, because it’s a really good game. It’s difficult sure, but so are lots of popular games. It has great music, really fun gameplay and mechanics, and an interesting story with cool vibes. I thought it would get repetitive after a while due to the death mechanic but in actuality it honestly was addicting to play.

    Similarly I don’t hear nearly enough about Control despite it being a phenomenal game, but I do at least hear more about Control than Returnal.

  • Do you have any idea how the civil rights protests worked? Do you think MLK just asked everyone nicely to give black people rights pretty please? MLK did the exact same kind of thing as Greta, so don’t even pretend you give half a shit about MLK when you’re making it crystal clear that you don’t know a goddamn thing about his methods or beliefs. You wanna know what MLK actually thought about violent protests? In his own words: “A riot is the language of the unheard.”

    I hate how often people like you use MLK to hide behind while misinterpreting him and ignoring everything he actually stood for.