Buy, Sell, Eat, Repeat,

Buy, Sell, Eat, Repeat,

Buy, Sell, Eat, Repeat,

Buy, Sell, Eat, Repeat.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • LengAwaits@lemmy.worldtoxkcd@lemmy.worldxkcd #2948: Electric vs Gas
    3 months ago

    I think people (not me, I agree with glitchdx, overall) are probably down voting because it’s a classic example of letting the perfect be the enemy of the good, with a healthy dose of smug mixed in. Smugness is a great dialectical tactic if you hope to entrench people deeper into their views, rather than convince them to consider alternatives through reasoned discussion.

    Do I agree that ideally we’d have robust public transit and increased usage of smaller, greener personal transport solutions? Of course I do.

    But, incrementalism is progress. Valuable progress. We could argue whether it’s more likely to get us to the aforementioned vision of robust public transit or not, but history has proven time and time again that progress takes time and is resisted tooth and nail by monied interests. I don’t like it either. I want to wave a wand and have everything change. OP is right. Electric cars are not the solution. But treating symptoms while you work on curing the disease is best practice.

  • You caught me. I still daily drive Chrome. I am an on-again off-again Firefox user and have been for nearly 2 decades.

    That said, I appreciate that input. I’ve been working on switching over to using Firefox as my daily driver, but it’s going to take some time for me to fully transition, unless you know of an extension or script that can migrate all my chrome tabs over to Firefox. I’m curious to see if it can handle my full browsing habits, now that they’ve evolved into what most would consider “tab hoarder” behavior.

  • Reposting a comment I wrote in another thread that explains it:

    Bookmarks are for things I’ll need to reference again and again in the coming years. I do keep a tightly-curated bookmark collection, I just don’t want it clogged up with a bunch of stuff I can’t foresee needing in the long term.

    Tabs are for things I’m working on right now and don’t need bookmarking for the long term. And, for what it’s worth, most of the browser windows are custom-titled, so the windows themselves are a lot like bookmark folders, while the tabs are like temporary bookmarks.

    Plus, the ability to search through tabs by hitting Ctrl+Shift+A means that it ends up being faster to search through my tabs than my bookmarks, without using the mouse. ex: Ctrl+Shift+A, Type needed page, up/down arrows if needed, then hit enter to move to the tab. With Ctrl+Shift+O, you don’t get the same ease of scrolling the results without tabbing through a bunch of junk first.

    There are other reasons, including neurological ones surely, but those are my primary justifications.

  • 32gb. The browser is using about 11.2gb of ram at the moment, but I haven’t restarted the browser or the computer in about a week. After a browser restart it’s usually only using 5~6gb, though that steadily climbs as I reactivate hibernated tabs.

    Reposting from a previous comment I’ve made about this topic:

    Bookmarks are for things I’ll need to reference again and again in the coming years. I do keep a tightly-curated bookmark collection, I just don’t want it clogged up with a bunch of stuff I can’t foresee needing in the long term.

    Tabs are for things I’m working on right now and don’t need bookmarking for the long term. And, for what it’s worth, most of the browser windows are custom-titled, so the windows themselves are a lot like bookmark folders, while the tabs are like temporary bookmarks.

    Plus, the ability to search through tabs by hitting Ctrl+Shift+A means that it ends up being faster to search through my tabs than my bookmarks, without using the mouse. ex: Ctrl+Shift+A, Type needed page, up/down arrows if needed, then hit enter to move to the tab. With Ctrl+Shift+O, you don’t get the same ease of scrolling the results without tabbing through a bunch of junk first.

    There are other reasons, including neurological ones surely, but those are my primary justifications.

  • When I first got my Ender 3 S1 Plus (same motherboard AFAIK), it would similarly freeze during the ABL. In my case, the issue was that I’d actually leveled the bed too low, and the machine was freaking out because it had to pass the software Z limit to home the printer. I loosened all the bed screws (raised the bed) by as many full turns as it took to have the bed’s screws just barely fully through the adjustment knobs, then releveled, reran the ABL routine, and finally all worked without a crash. This may or may not be your problem.

    In any case, I do recommend checking to make sure you’re on the latest official factory firmware version, and if not update it with the latest firmware from here. The instructions are there, too.

    Ultimately I got it working, but I ended up moving away from the janky stock firmware and putting Klipper on it instead after a few weeks.