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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I sick of seeing Google Drive recommended as an alternative to dropbox. (Because I am looking for an alternative to dropbox and so far nothing has feature parity with it and the features I value.) If an app forces me to be logged in to a graphical environment locally on Linux then it has already failed to understand why people use *nix. Google Drive doesn’t keep offline copies and it doesn’t work on CLI. So basically useless on my server. If the files aren’t natively and transparently accesible as a local filesystem while they are synced to the cloud, it’s not a viable Linux Dropbox alternative. I want my files on my machine and a copy on the cloud, not the other way round.

  • Are you writing to Google drive directly from the cli? If so how? I regularly need to search, edit, copy, and paste to and from my notes; backup config files; save a neat little script I wrote; etc. all from the CLI. It would be awesome to have this searchable and online from a web browser too for when I’m not working in the terminal. For example, piping an error message to a file and grabbing/sanitizing that error to search later. I have ways, but their all a lot clunkier than simply have a Dropbox. I’m basically looking for something that works just like Dropbox, is not self hosted, and not as cumbersome to setup as NextCloud and the like.

  • Also, the games were designed to run on that display hardware. They exploited the limitations and artifacts to get a better over all image. When you play on something without those artifacts, those tricks don’t work. Hell, you can’t even play some games like Duck Hunt on modern hardware without significant modifications.

    And we definitely played that close to our faces sometimes because not everyone had a big TV and no one had wireless controllers so you’d be sitting on the floor between the TV and the coffee table, which was in front of the couch. If you were lucky, you had the game system and an old hand-me-down TV in your bedroom so the TV was likely as close as your toes, or closer.