I lost some, I won some.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • It doesn’t. Graeber was an anthropologist and Wengrow is an archaeologist. It’s a review of existing evidence from past civilizations (the diversity of which most people are hugely ignorant about), making the case the most common representations of “civilization” and “progress” are severely limited, probably to a detrimental extent since we often can only base our conceptions of what is possible on what we know.

  • India and Israel are just farther along on the same path we’re on in multiple countries in the West. Fascism feeds off the rising inequality and exploitation of Capitalist excesses. It could easily have barrelled ahead further here first if dominant groups here were any less accepting of cultural differences (we could still do better, but we’re at least at the bare minimum of civility) AND if we weren’t as religiously unaffiliated and/or atheistic*.

    (*This is not a knock at spirituality. I only say this because another calling card of fascism is for the dominant local culture’s religion to be contorted into its absolute worst, most corrupt possible form so it may be weaponized in whipping up monstrous sentiments towards scapegoated outcast groups.)

  • What is the point of your link? Can you not state what part of what I said that you disagree with? Regardless of what we might think of Iran now, it is a documented fact that the US & UK set the stage for, and then backed the coup against Mossaddegh to further the interests of their financial elites. My point was that the US is no paragon of democracy. If you want to disprove something about that, you should be more specific about what you believe was incorrect.

    *small edit for clarity

  • If you would like to see peace happen, then for a start, reject ALL of Likud’s divisive and harmful lies and propaganda. You’re repeating it yourself with the woefully inaccurate and incredibly politically charged terms of exchanging “fighters” for “children” framing. Palestinians-- many of whom are literal children-- are just being rounded up wholesale, including in the West Bank where Hamas doesn’t exist. How can you call them “fighters” without charges, without evidence, without a trial… only on the word of the same IDF whose members have been proudly posting videos of their own war crimes? Wasn’t it supposed to be never again for anyone?

  • If you are a human being and not a bot, please get outside of your propaganda bubble and educate yourself. Israel’s “prisons” are today’s concentration camps, holding thousands of women and children without charges and evidence, not just “fighters.”

    If Israel’s behaviour is not collective punishment (in contravention of international law), then answer why the IDF has even kept the dead bodies of their Palestinian hostages in numbered graves or refrigerators instead of returning them to their families. Answer why Israelis have been livid with Netanyahu’s administration. Even if they don’t fully see eye to eye with the rest of the world on this, even many Israelis understand the Netanyahu gov’t, settlers, and the IDF are the ones doing the most to put innocent Jewish people in the way of harm.