• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023

  • Thank you for taking the time to reply!

    I understand the retaliatory bullshit would definitely scare more people than we should allow. Say your entire department decides “Fuck that. I’m taking my two days off.”, what would that do as a whole? Would they retaliate on all the people or just the ones who they know need a job more than others?

    I’m not dumb and think that that’s even possible, because organizing is a lot harder than we’d all like to admit. I’m just genuinely curious about how that would work out long term I guess.

    You don’t have to reply or anything, and I hope I’m not coming off any type of way. I just can’t believe this is something they thought was a good idea.

    Thank you! :)

  • That is unfortunate. Thank you for the in depth explanation for those of us on Lemmy who don’t know all there is to know about Linux/CLI/Networking!

    I’m the only one who uses my Plex, so the real issue is that I don’t want to fiddle around with settings, proxies, or VPNs just to stream an audiobook through my phone while driving to work. Maybe in the future there will be a more simple self host setup for people like me. I’ll keep an eye on it to see how it progresses. Thanks again! 😁

  • What I truly don’t understand is why the negative eggs that you WILL ALWAYS HAVE NO MATTER WHAT, read it again, ALWAYS HAVE NO MATTER WHAT, gets so much mental attention than the many more people who are actively applauding you and saying their thanks and giving you their praises.

    I will never understand the focusing on the negative I guess. It’d be easy as fuck for me to ignore people’s assholeishness while still taking their badly typed criticism and improving (if I reasonably can).

    Shit, it makes me feel like the fucking champ when some random persons says thanks for something I did, and I laugh and ignore the ones who don’t like what I do.

    But hey, if focusing on the few negatives instead of the mountains of praise is what you want to do, it’s all yours.

  • Almost none of this made sense to me, honestly…

    I want to use Jellyfin because of its awesome open source and how much effort the devs obviously put into it, but when I use Plex (lifetime pass for $80 back in 2020) I don’t have to do any of this crazy looking text you’ve typed here. I sign into my account, and it’s off to the races.

    So, with that being said, for the people in the back like me who this may look like the most complicated stuff in the world just to get some streaming started, are there ANY easy methods to achieve this such as with Plex?

  • Don’t you guys get tired of fighting for rights that were already fought for, just to have another generation fight for those same fucking rights? After a certain point, I’d rather just give up than keep this seemingly never ending cycle of bullshit going. What point is there in fighting for rights now, no matter how much they are truly needed, just to have to fight for them in less than 5 years because some batshit crazy psychopath took the position of the less batshit crazy psychopath who vehemently didn’t want to give you those rights, so they made them easy to take back for the next guy or maybe a guy later to take back. It’s just seems pointless at times. I’m still trying and fighting, but I wonder if we are just prolonging the inevitable. Maybe humanity isn’t as great as we thought, and people truly are more evil than good.

  • There are a few Linux distros I can recommend as someone who started doing this as a little tinker project when I was younger.

    Pop_OS! Is a really great basic setup to help usher you into Linux. I installed the KDE desktop environment onto my install because I really like and enjoy the KDE experience. You have plenty of other Ubuntu “flavors” to choose from. I’d recommend giving them all a whirl or look and decide which one you think is the best fit for you.

    ElementaryOS is great if you want a semi-MacOS experience but I feel it is perfect for someone who doesn’t want to tinker around too much or for family members to use on their 10 year old laptops/desktops.

    I also recommend not fully setting your Linux side up (email, saving documents, etc.) until you get done with your testing different distros out. You’ll be thankful you didn’t go through the full setup process if you decide to try a new distro out. Have fun, and remember it’s all a learning experience. Don’t be afraid to ask for question or look anything up. If you finally find a distro you want to make permanent and remember me, I’d love to hear what you settled on. Have a wonderful rest of your day. And enjoy your newfound freedom! 😌