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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: April 1st, 2024


  • What? First off, they brought it up first, so it has quite a bit to do with them. Second, I quoted the part that is the core of most genocidal beliefs including the Nazis: Believing people are better off when people are killed off.

    Climate change is why this will change. It will disproportionately affect the poor and already has started. I already explained this. Get with the end times.

    The reason the rich are doing that is because they believe they will need to repopulate the earth. People like Elon have very odd religious beliefs due to survivor bias.

  • I take issue specifically with the verbiage the commenter was using regarding the black death and wars. And the idea that more people = bad working conditions; less people = good working conditions when that’s not the case of what was happening (which was more something like an inheritance/windfall).

    In the case of babies not being born in modern times, there are a few things to consider.

    • One, that speech doesn’t get weird and start advocating for a Handmaid’s Tale Dystopia (forced repopulation for the sake of repopulation).
    • Two, that likely poorer people and probably certain groups will be affected disproportionately by this which is the equivalent of a silent genocide or several silent genocides
    • Three, that we acknowledge there are many sad factors at play as to why people aren’t having children and those factors will likely get worse
    • Four, that we acknowledge that AI could very well bridge the worker shortage gap for some time until climate change kills everyone

    The pressure we are feeling is from climate change and the rich. Hoping that there will be less humans to give everyone a break is delusional, especially because the past HAD less humans and workers had shit rights then compared to now. We aren’t getting saved by anything, not even if we die or sacrifice our would-be children to the sun god.

  • It’s nuts (kinda sounds like Nazi speech to me) and it’s also not really accurate.

    Let’s look at a metaphor with money:

    My mom and dad work. They give me a little bit of money every day. One day they die and I get a chunk of money from their life insurance, but this amount isn’t as much as if they’d stayed alive and had stayed working. Because they died, in 30 years my family’s total net wealth will go down compared to the potential because my parents weren’t able to contribute.

    Now imagine that en masse. There is ABSOLUTELY a loss of money, progress, etc, etc, when people die prematurely. Let alone the human cost itself.

  • reduction in the amount of humans was beneficial for the vast amount of humans in the long run.

    This is literally Nazi speech. This is literally genocide rhetoric. Shame on you.

    The Black Death lead to people literally dying. It wasn’t beneficial in the long run at all. It killed millions. That’s a lot of human data both in DNA terms and knowledge that died. That’s a lot of inventions dead.

    When workers must work for a capitalist, or a king, or a pharoah, and they lose their bargaining power, their conditions are bad. Not when there’s “lots” of them. That’s just the nature of humans being a social species, we are made for “lots” of us. As long as we are each empowered, then having people alive and thriving is no issue.

  • Yet if a hairstyle doesn’t change people, why is gender affirming care so important? Why does balding affect people so much? Why do actors and actresses become distressed playing certain parts?

    I didn’t edit that part of the post. I don’t use terms like “brainwashing.”

    Religion has been used for a long time to get people to endure harm. Buddhist monks are able to self immolate for example.

    What do you think the self is, then, if it is neither a soul nor strictly physical?

    There are aspects of personality in the entire brain. There’s no single area of the brain that’s only “personality.” That’s not how it works. The brain has SYSTEMS that connect together and light up when you do anything. Including when you use your body and limbs. These neurochemical and electrical systems go off in general patterns and perhaps that is a person’s “personality,” but then that means dismemberment, visual cues, trauma, all affect this neurochemical system and thus “personality.” It’s not separated like I said. Mind/body split doesn’t exist.

  • I didn’t change it. Aren’t we discussing the arbitrary nature of the gender binary and the intersection of biology, genetic diversity, and ability?

    I didn’t force a conversation. You are free to leave. Amd I’m pretty sure you are the one who started the confrontation.

    You won’t do research to further your knowledge on this subject because you aren’t competent enough to do so. Idk why you’re even attempting to argue at all here.

    Per the source, Ledecky beat Phelps.

    Yes, regressive like fascists and every other terrible person who can’t fathom a better world so they make us all miserable with the status quo. Thanks

  • Okay so you’re just here to be regressive, got it.

    You cannot address any of the problems around this situation, you cannot debate a scientific answer, you do not even know what a scientific answer for this might look like, you neglect how this incorporates into a greater discussion about what we define as “ableism” (I didn’t ask ONLY about how it is different than scoliosis, but also about any other difference in biology)… Like not only are you unable to debate the science of it, which you admit, but you are also so sure I’m wrong, even though you don’t know anything about this topic.

    So I take it you’re here in bad faith.

  • I never said “you’ve been brainwashed.” That was your strawman. Quote where I used “brainwashed.” I literally said “propagandized.” Idk why you acted like I said otherwise.

    Have you ever worn a costume or played a part in a play? It absolutely affects your ““self”” to wear different haircuts etc. Wearing a George Washington wig feels different than Morticia Addams.

    If you had cancer, did you go to those support meetings? Do you remember the type of speech that happens around getting better? A lot of that is to instill a survivor sense of self - the cancer diagnosis itself causes people to feel like they are dying as part of their identity often (not trying to mansplain cancer here, sorry) so these support groups help with countering that identity with a different one.

    Yes, souls and something being separate from our physical shells feels comforting because it means we can conquer death.

  • https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20240731-the-sports-where-women-outperform-men

    Øyvind Sandbakk, a professor of sports science at UiT The Arctic University of Norway and the director of the Norwegian School of Elite Sports (NTG), has found together with colleagues that the gaps in the average performance between elite female and male athletes have tended to plateau at around 8–12% difference in world-record results in favour of men. The gap can be significantly smaller for ultra-endurance swimming and larger for sports involving substantial upper-body strength, the study found.

    There isn’t a clear linear relationship between testosterone levels and performance, says Mertens, a journalist focusing on sports and gender. “In fact, a lot of very elite male athletes have pretty low testosterone levels overall on average.” One endocrinology study found low testosterone concentrations in one-quarter of men competing in 12 of the 15 Olympic sports analysed. And Mertens says even women with hyperandrogenism, who can have testosterone levels that reach typical male ranges, don’t have the same level of performance as men.