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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • My issue was with that type of sarcasm, which is why I responded with a similarly dismissive sarcastic remark.

    Dismissing people’s complaints by saying “you can go use something else/move someplace else” is unhelpful and used to negate their complaints without ever having to address their source.

    I doubt many people see an anonymous counter as a huge problem itself, I don’t. The point is that this is a first step in a direction we don’t want to see the software go. If you don’t push back against these things from the moment they show up, they will continue to slowly inch in that direction until you end up in a nightmare like Chrome or Edge.

  • Typical. You post a reasonable response and get a bunch of ad-pilled shit takes:

    “But will you eat shit if I put a little chocolate on it?”

    “If you don’t eat shit, you don’t deserve to interact with the internet eat.”

    “Maybe if you pay them a little money, they’ll stop trying to serve you shit?”

    Advertisers contribute nothing of value to our society and contribute little of value to even the companies they serve. Let them burn. Every action they take to “serve” me ads will be met with an equal counteraction.

    We deserve to live a life without being constantly bombarded with messages telling us to buy, buy, buy! This significantly decreases our quality of life and is endemic within our entire society. What the hell are all of you who defend advertisers thinking?

    Give them an inch and they will take a mile. It definitely won’t be the first time.

  • Is it that people don’t notice the source or that they prefer sources that are open about their biases? How is it any less useful to know that this source is generally pushing a pro-China story when we also know that the NYT, BBC, etc will push a pro-US and pro-NATO bias and then strut around pretending that they are somehow balanced and unbiased?

    Talk about eating up propaganda…

    A big part of seeing through the bias of an organization is reading around through other sources with different biases and then taking a critical look at all of them so you can get closer to what is actually going on and challenge your own biases. I find the users on Lemmy tend to actually read the sources that are provided whereas people are so bad about reading sources posted to Reddit that commenters not reading the source became a meme on Reddit.

    This comment is just another example of the pretentious Redditor attitude that an exudes an air of, “Here, let me grace you all with my superior intellect as you are all a bunch of uncultured swine.” Instead of blindly applying a negative judgement against the community, why don’t you stop and think about why it may be this way? Better yet, ask others why they read outside of mainstream sources instead of assuming you know better.

    No source is ever unbiased and to pretend otherwise and place sources that confirm your own bias on a pedestal is pure, uncritical drivel. Be critical of the Chinese media, but don’t pretend that Western sources are any better. Every public communication you see from any organization is propaganda.