My comment wasn’t about how the current laws of Austria are but about how they ought to be in any country.
My comment wasn’t about how the current laws of Austria are but about how they ought to be in any country.
You win the public vote when you get 51% of all the people who had the right to vote. That includes those who didn’t vote.
If participation is only 50% of the voters, and you get 51% of that participation, you didn’t get 51% of the votes, you got 25.5% of the votes.
And by this, I don’t mean what the current laws consider “winning the public vote” in any particular country. I mean what they need to be for that to be really true.
Getting enough monsters and idiots vote for them is still a bad thing, but that doesn’t mean they won.
“Winning the elections” isn’t being the single force that got the most votes individually.
That’s first-past-the-post bullshit like they have in the US.
Those who win an election in a parliamentary government are those who can form a government.
Don’t let the grabbing hands grab all they can.