• 16 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Yeah, they’re in a war that Lebanon started. And turns out, only America has the luxury of leaving their enemies alive

    It seems someone has certainly not educated themselves on history. But did not expect that anyway from an Israel-supporter who is fine with murdering innocent people along the way.

    Israel literally stole the Palestinian land, murdered many innocent people along the way and displaced 750 000 Palestinian people.

    You cannot expect people and other countries to just let that happen without retaliation.

    Besides I don’t even think America has any luxury of letting enemies alive if they’re immensely dangerous to the country. But then again America is the one enabling Israel to commit all these war crimes (genocide).

    EDIT: Ouch, seeing your comment history. You deny that Israel is a Apartheid state. I will just block you. You are not worth the debate because of that.

  • Glad to read this post, tampering my expectations for Jedi Survivor.

    I’m currently busy with Fallen Order and struggling to push through it. Platforming is fun but (for me) the story feels a bit meh and the map is awful. Debating to put down Fallen Order and just jump into Jedi Survivor directly. Since people told me, it isn’t necessary to have played the first game.

  • Bit by bit playing HellBlade 2. The game is amazing however, the story and atmosphere is so strong (for a lack of better word) that I need downtime after playing it for an hour. It’s so dark and these voices gets to your own head sometimes, especially when playing with headset.

    Recently started Warhammer Space Marine 2. A fun hack ‘n slash to just play after study, work or just general a long day.

    Debating to purchase Persona 3 Reload when it is on sale. I played and loved Persona 5 Royal, clocked in 124-125 hours into it. I heard mixed stories about Reload, great character but lackluster dungeons and less social elements.

  • Now that I know a bit more about security and obfuscation I rather not use any pirated games/software anymore

    Then don’t and pay every streaming service, game and software.

    If they know how to crack/reverse engineer some complicated stuff, you can be sure they add some shady stuff in it.

    The most pointless, baseless and factless argument ever.

    They need somehow a way to earn there living expanses ? It’s a service we think it’s free but nothing comes without a counterpart.

    If you genuinely think crackers earn lots of money through cracking games, you sure are uneducated.

  • Holy man, you seriously don’t get it do you? You are so far up the Zionism ideology that you seriously do not understand reality. You brought up other massacres and problems that has nothing to do with Palestine and Israel conflict.

    You have nothing to debate within the Palestine-Israel conflict, you can’t make counter-arguments to any valid, solid and trustable sources that I do link. So you get anything that’s about Jewish people but nothing of that has to do with the Civilians rights of both Israeli’s and Palestinian people.

    You are trying to make this “Jews vs Islam” or “Jews vs Arabs” but neglect the entire reason as to why Palestine was forced given away by Britain to Jewish people. Remember WW2 when Nazi-Germany did the Holocaust and killed 6 million Jewish people. A European country. Zionist’s always try to confuse readers. You tried too and failed.

    Thank you for proving my point, you literally* got nothing to stand on within this debate. I will block you since, I now understand you are nothing but a Zionist that’s rather go for the ‘‘They did this, so we do this’’ instead of ‘‘We are all human beings therefore we should make peace and try to live life normally’’. You pretend as if Palestinian people displaced 750 000 people and killed many along the way but it’s israel who did that and is still doing in today’s era. You also seem to be trying to victimize Israeli’s and trying to make Palestinian people the bad ones. Palestinians are not the one who stole land, illegal settlements, rape, hate crimes, murdering and having a Apartheid state. That’s all Israel’s doing. If you ever get out of the Zionism ideology and genuinely want to educate yourself about the Palestine-Israel history. I highly recommend you to not listen to people but do research, read books, news-articles.

    You are seriously no ones worth of time, energy and effort - Why? I will refer to my previous comments to that. Good luck in life.

    EDIT: Corrected the word with ‘’*‘’

    EDIT 2:

    tHe cONflicT iS aBoUT fREeDom nOt ReliGion

    You have started to become immensely childish. I also never said ‘‘freedom’’ but ‘‘human lives and rights’’. Our debate is about human lives, rights and Palestine/Israel. Religion was never within the debate until you tried to change the entire subject/ topic (probably because you got nothing to stand on). Do look up all the links, I have linked. I genuinely wonder if you did that (but I assume, you did not).

  • The founding father and first president of Palestine, Raj Amin Al-Huseni, was a member of the richest land owning family in palestine, a family who earned it’s wealth by being given the throne of jerusalem in a wedding present when the patriarch of the al-huseni clan, Husayn ibn Ali married the profit Muhammad’s daughter Fatima.

    I’m not going to talk about religion because that’s not what this debate was about, like I said in another comment to you – You are trying to change the subject to religion and it is not about religion in our debate. It is about human lives and rights. Stop trying to change subjects/ topics and trying to confuse readers.

    Anyway, do you even know who founded Israel? David Ben-Gurion. This particular person was one of the leader of the Jewish terrorist organization, Haganah, sanctioned the bombing of SS Patria (French ocean liner built in 1913), which killed 267 people and injured 172. Gurion become it’s first Israel’s prime minister and founder. I do recommend you to also look up about the other old Israeli Prime Ministers; Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Shamir.

    I will stop responding and writing to you after this comment because it is clear as day that you are an Israel-supporter (perhaps Zionist?) and refuse to acknowledge any of Israel’s atrocities and trying to blame everything on the Arabian people (especially Palestinians). You refuse to acknowledge that because of Nazi-Germany in WW2, Brittian gave land away that was not theirs to give away and that Israel has done so many atrocities from 1948 up until now (ongoing). Anything that that does not fit your narrative gets dismissed as ‘’biased’’ while there are so many trustable sources from different countries.

    EDIT: I wanted to add on this that you called all my sources “biased”. The source about the Ten Stages of Genocide is from “Holocaust Memorial Day Trust”. Just wanted to let you know that, do what you want with that particular knowledge.

  • If your views are based on history according to biased sources then your views will be biased.

    It’s quite clear that everything that does not fit your narrative is ‘’biased’’. I have many links that are from different sources, different countries and non-Arab countries. You do not give any response to these trustable sources, probably because you have no valid argument to give.

    EDIT: I wanted to add on this that you called all my sources “biased”. The source about the Ten Stages of Genocide is from “Holocaust Memorial Day Trust”. Just wanted to let you know that, do what you want with that particular knowledge.

    The two dominate ideologies in palestine are islamism which is more popular in Gaza and is exemplified by the Islamic resistance movement (hamas) and palestinian islamic jihad; offshoots of the Egyptian Muslim brootherood, a group founded after the collapse of the Ottoman empire with the goal of reforming the islamic caliphate with Jerusalem as the capital. The other ideology is pan arab nationalist socialism, which is more popular in the west bank with groups such as PA and fatah, which were heavily influenced by syrian bathisim, which was created in 1940 literally inspired by Italian fascism and nazi german national socialism.

    You suddenly make this about religion, out of literally nowhere. It is not about religion in this debate, it is about human lives and rights. Stop changing subjects/ topics and trying to confuse readers.

  • It’s so absurd because you give zero sources in your first comment. Any stranger from the internet can claim anything and pretend its the truth. So yes, I’m immensely skeptical when it is without sources.

    Like I said in another comment, I might comment make later on. Not at home right now.

    I don’t even understand what you mean with this sentence. What do you mean?

    From what I get from all your comments, you support Israel, their Apartheid, murdering behavior. If I’m wrong, correct me.

    You also didn’t give any answer to my other question and ignored the 10 stages of genocide link.

    I would also like to say, my views are based on history and not propoganda. I’ve read what Israel has been doing since 1948 up until now (ongoing). But you seem to ignore all the facts about Israel’s past and all the trustable links so it can fit your narrative.

    EDIT: corrected word, added bit more context.

  • It is odd how you pick out one particular thing and base your entire argument on that but ignore the 14 links that I have given you. You also ignore the mere fact that a European country (Nazi Germany at the time) killed 6 million Jewish people purely out of hatred and that drove the people make Israeli state by Britain giving away land that wasn’t theirs to give away.

    You seem to really, really try to put the entire blame on the Arabian people.

    As I’m not at home right now, I can’t link sources and comment much but I will. If I think you’re worth my time because - you seem not really the type to debate but rather just wanting to point fingers to Arabian people.

    EDIT: Copy-pasted my really old comment. It is done through Voyager app on phone, so let me know if it doesn’t copy well. Sometimes, I’m really curious if Israel supporters even know how the state they defend so passionately was created;

    Israel became an actual state in 1948 by displacing 750 000 Palestinian people and murdering many (men, women and children). Laying sieges, bombarding villages and population centers, setting fires to homes, properties and goods. Planting mines among the rubble to prevent any of the expelled people from returning (source: The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by ilan Pappé).

    Hamas did not exist until 1987, they became an actual group only in 1987 because of all the horrifying things Israel had done from 1948 up until 1987. Which is approximately 40 years after what Israel had done to the Palestinian people.

  • And yet there has never been a successful conviction of genocide against Israel in any legal forum.

    This link here, shows all the stages of genocide; The ten stages of genocide. A quick glance and we can determin already that’s Israel is on stage 8. There’s currently a whole trial ongoing about Israeli’s genocide on Palestinian people

    After 20+ years of genocide claims, the life expectancy in gaza is greater then in Egypt where there is no genocide.

    Any evidence of this heavy statement or is this ‘‘source: trust me, a stranger on the internet’’? Because this claim is so absurd, I cannot even take it seriously.

    Typical fascist propaganda, the enemy is both too strong and too weak. Israel i strong enough to do genocide but they are so weak that their genocidal efforts amount to less harm against palestine then if Israel handed control over to Egypt, who is not doing genocide.

    I don’t even understand what you mean with this sentence. What do you mean?

    From what I get from all your comments, you support Israel, their Apartheid, murdering behavior. If I’m wrong, correct me.