• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • We have different reasons for getting the hell away from reddit. I came to lemmy because reddit killed sync. I paid like $3 for Sync in 2014 and used it every day until Reddit killed it without seeing a single ad. So, not only do I disagree with Sync for Lemmy missing the point of getting away with reddit, but I also disagree with the notion that sink for Lemmy is in any way bad for having an ad - supported tier when you can pay a negligible amount of money ( $20 in 2023 ) and never see an ad again for the entire lifetime of the app.

  • That’s my thing. I enjoyed it for what it was, but I could not call it GOTY. The police were barely implemented, the best gear at any point did not have any kind of theme so you were punished if you tried to get outfits that matched, and the shallow cybernetic system alone made me put it down before I could finish it.

    I went in cautiously hoping for a RPG and what I got felt more akin to a baseline action adventure title with some numbers added in so they could pretend it was an RPG.

  • It’s not the best, but you can group the other player characters with your character so they just follow you around the same way the origin characters do. You still lose the slot, but it’s otherwise the same as using an origin character.

    My wife left early last night while we were playing and her character ended up coming in clutch in many combats. Figuring out I could get her to follow me was a game changer

  • It’s looking like I will only get to play around 3 hours a week with friends and I’m ready. Last night’s session was fantastic. It felt like meeting up once a week for a more simplified DnD session. We got through a fair chunk of content.

    You may never be able to reach the end of the game, but I think if you enjoy the base gameplay then it’ll still be very worthwhile

  • I see! I definitely feel that Senior would be applicable for this given position. All of my hang ups were in thinking there was a more defined requirement to be a “Senior”. Between you and my discussions with others, I’ve learned to not worry about that and instead focus more on my knowledge-level and my direct contribution to the Org - both of which I would say are appropriate in this environment.

  • Thank you!

    I will see about sticking with the Software Engineer line of titles (I’m discussing whether or not calling myself a ‘Senior’ would be a good choice with some other commenters). It makes more sense and my supervisor had mentioned that she wants the best title that could represent my skills, responsibilities, and desired future jobs on a resume.

  • I appreciate your advice! I’ll definitely work on getting the hard numbers to help my supervisor out. She’s been pushing for this for a while, so hopefully I can provide some materials to aid her.

    I’ve had to do this before for a former job where I went from a Team Lead on a Helpdesk that started coding tools to help improve our agents metrics and the availability and accuracy of reporting to management and agents. Our helpdesk had no developers, but I was able to show how our team went from spending ~10,000 man hours a year on manually running reports to send to agents and management and only having the reports available weekly to having all of it automated and updated daily for everybody that needed them. So, I can adapt the methodology I used for that to the current org as well.

  • I can definitely see what you mean, and I appreciate the detailed post!

    As for your scenario, I feel as though my heart rate would go up to a moderate amount, maybe less depending on the exact structure of the project.

    The reason I say that is because I’ve done similar things in the past. My wife also has a job as a junior developer (working from home as part of a smaller multi-dev team supporting a massive project), but her team is set up in a way that she can only get a few minutes a week with her senior since he is always busy with his own tasks. She was never given documentation or even a walkthrough to explain how their project is structured or how their database is structured (they said in the interview that they would do this, but in reality the senior has to spend all of his time on other projects or in meetings). There are times that she gets stuck on a task that she has been assigned because she doesn’t know where in the source code she needs to look and she can’t get a hold of her senior. She’ll ask me for advice (without looking at the code, it’s essentially a 20-questions type scenario of hypotheticals) and, even though it is a completely different programming language and I haven’t actually seen the code, I can figure out what it is that she is needing to do and help guide her to where she needs to go in her project. When she finally gets a chance to talk to her senior about it a few days later, he confirms that the steps she ended up taking were correct for their set up.

    For example, she once had to update the items in a drop down that she couldn’t find in the code in their project. She knew that the dropdown was being loaded on a specific page, but the items weren’t being populated in that same place. I assumed that this was likely using a stored procedure or a view on their database to pull the dropdown items. With that assumption, I was able to help her trace to where the data was being loaded in their data repository. That gave her the name of a stored procedure. She went and updated the stored procedure’s definition in their dev server and it corrected the dropdown. She later met with her senior and he confirmed that the dropdown (and many other features in the app like the dropdown) are pulling out of stored procedures so they don’t have to redeploy code to update things like that.

    Similarly, one of the projects I had to work on at my org is actually taking an MVC web application and an API web application that are written by one of their multi-dev teams that are provided by our ERP software provider that we can customize to meet our specific needs. I did have some documentation to go off of, but I was able to get that loaded in and making customizations that fit within their architectural style within a couple of hours when I first started it.