• 20 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • The last budget also only had €4billion for Ukraine aid. That was increased by €3billion to the €7 billion actually send in the end. The reason for that is simple. We do not know how the war will continue or even if. So the German government signs big deals with the military industry, which give the industry the ability to set up large scale production, but allow the German government to stop ordering more weapons quickly. Then additional funding is approved as need be. So if somebody takes Putins job and makes peace with Ukraine, Germany does not send unneeded arms to Ukraine.

    Sorry, but that is the background. German government communication sucks for a lot of reasons.

  • Correct on a per capita bases Portugal has been growing much much faster then Germany. The simple truth it that Germany is not benefiting from austerity either. What should happen is that the German government massively increases spending. This would turn Germany from a net exporter, to a net importer. That allows the PIIGS to export products to Germany paying down the debt, but it also stimulates the economy. Germany profits from the increased spending as well.

    The simple truth is that German life expectancy is declining since a couple of years(being below Spain, Italy and Portugal btw). Median wealth of Italy, Spain and Portugal is higher then that of Germany, which is only slightly higher then that of Greece. Real wages in Germany have gone up by 3.8% over the last decade(not annually but the entire decade).

    The only ones who really profit from this austerity are the super rich. Other then that it is as bad a policy for Germany as it is for Italy, Portugal, Spain or Greece.

  • If only Germany would not be willing to recognice Palestine, then this might happen, but that is not the case. France and Italy the two next most powerfull countries do not recognice Palestine either.

    Germany is usually fairly happy with the current state of the EU. The things Germany wants to change are usually also supported by Spain and that means blackmail is harder. The only exaption to that is finance. However Spain is not going to let billions go to waste to have Palestine recogniced. That is just more of a symbol, rather then massivly important.

    Also Germany leaving the EU would cause some massive problems in other EU countries as well. They would hardly be cheering for it.