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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 20th, 2023


  • I’m wondering what kind of peace they think they’re asking for. Israel has a buffet of oppressive laws that deny Palestinians access to water, land, and infrastructure, and allow the IDF to raze villages at their discretion and detain people indefinitely without evidence, all under the pretext of fighting terrorism and protecting national security. Meanwhile Israel has been the occupying force in this region for decades. Remember they are, by definition, not on the defensive. These laws actually do discriminate against Palestinians, and make life very hard for them.

    I wonder if this is the kind of peace where Israel thinks “why won’t they simply accept our oppressive laws and let us displace them and take their land? Why are people fighting back all the time? We just want peace!”

    I cannot stress enough that settlers and housing developments come at the same time as the military, and they work together. Like it’s not even a terrorism thing. They are just chasing Palestinians around with housing developments to justify forcing them out. As far as I can see the only way Israel’s operation could be peaceful is if the Palestinians literally just accepted their widespread displacement, dispossession and sometimes even mass murder, but we know that’s not how peace works :)

  • At face value I do get where you’re coming from, but this is standard practice, and I’m happy to provide the evidence you are looking for, because it’s important that the truth comes out and I respect you for asking for it.


    IDF officers and investigators intentionally cover up murders and abuse, even when leaked internal correspondences admit the killings were totally unjustified and offer alternative explanations to be given to the press.

    The Guardian’s correspondent in Israel, Chris McGreal, wrote about a conversation he had with the Israeli military commander in southern Gaza at the time, Colonel Pinhas “Pinky” Zuaretz. The Colonel both admits that his troops murder children for no reason, and implies it’s necessary to prevent the Holocaust from happening again. In court, he claimed the whole of southern Gaza was a combat zone and anyone who entered parts of it had made themselves a target.

    Also from the article: “An Israeli army officer [who] emptied the magazine of his automatic rifle into a 13-year-old Palestinian girl, Iman al-Hams, and then said he would have done the same even if she had been three years old, was cleared by a military court. [The girl] was shot and wounded after crossing the invisible red line around an Israeli military base in Rafah, but she was never any closer than 100 yards. The officer then left the base in order to “confirm the kill” by pumping the wounded girl full of bullets. An Israeli military investigation concluded he had acted properly.”

  • I think you might be narrowing the definition of politics. Something is political not just when two arbitrary political “sides” disagree. Something is a political issue when government policy is involved, and Greta is absolutely in the business of changing government policy. Climate change is also a political issue because it does create a divide among political groups: the rich and the poor. The people who own the most stuff will profit from irresponsible pollution, and have the most means to avoid its consequences. They will be using their political power to make sure things stay that way. The poor will suffer.

  • The scary thing is that Israel also has a direct and clear interest in wiping out/exiling all palestinians. It’s the only way they can reasonably have access to all of what they say is their promised land. It would be ignorant of the circumstances and ignorant of history to not take this into account: Israel’s actions since its establishment have shown overwhelming disdain for the Palestinian people’s existence and to that end they have committed similar atrocities to Hamas, but with orders of magnitude more victims.

  • I think the overall point that could be made is not about how useful the help is on an absolute basis, but rather how petty it is compared to the devastation that Palestinians have been subjected to for decades, regardless of the presence of terrorist activity.

    The overall injustice that Israel and the IDF represents over the whole timeline is staggering. Pogroms, massacres, bulldozing homes, murder of peaceful protestors, monetary contributions to Hamas, apartheid style laws, and not to mention the now extremely prejudiced bombing of Gaza where they are cut off from resources, and cannot even freely evacuate.

    Israel has historically, and now quite directly, placed the Palestinian people into an absolute meat grinder. In the context of this, sending fuel to a hospital is clearly bad faith, even if it was guaranteed to last a week instead of a day.