Half the world doesn’t think that.
Half the world doesn’t think that.
Lukashenko sold his country and nation to the horror and suffering that is Russia.
I doubt everyone will be on board with this.
Of course. The other side is doing it, why shouldn’t they? It was a big mistake to not let them in the first place. Many many people are dead because of it.
Which one is that. I guess I’ve been left out of the loop.
Lol. I can’t believe that even in this case all the shits in the world decided to go into this together.
I’m so excited! Will it not suck completely? Maybe!
Well, that’s not entirely true is it. This territory is not known to have been a place missiles. Plus, Ukraine will not be able to take enough land to even make it a buffer zone for artillery, let alone missiles.
This land is a liability. You need many troops to defend it that could be somewhere else. That’s a fact. The is only a question Wether the pros outweigh the cons.
Of course we don’t know more than Ukrainian commands. We are speculating and talking. But they make mistakes as well. In war there is a game of probabilities and risks.
In this case it’s just words. Russians know they are invading foreign lands.
It was a joke…
Geez. Linux community is extremely uptight and extremely triggered by any challenge, even whimsical. Relax guys. But seriously, Firefox kind of sucks.
So just to install chrome?
Edit: I got down voted for saying people use edge for downloading Chrome. A lot of edge lovers here, who would have known?
I know the Linux community doesn’t want to know, but Firefox is not as belowed as you might think.
Maybe. On the other hand, we have seen that Russians are slow to learn and adapt, but in the end they do.
They should do the swap but at the last moment change them with some poor idiots from the provinces instead of the sons of moscowites here.
It’s good, it’s great for Ukraine if they do. If Russia finds resources somewhere else, this could end up being a pointless excursion.
Yes, but that is a fantasy. Not because I think they couldn’t. I think they could blitz them and find themselves in Moscow for sure. But the regime in Russia will go nuclear before they let Ukraine come.
Absolutely! The whole narrative has already changed. I think the slow and confused response from Russia as they are struggling to find resources to stop this incursion is what speaks the loudest. … but, at some point they will find those resources. If there is no progress anywhere inspite of this?
I know we are all happy Ukraine taking land like this, having some military success. I don’t want to be a downer, but it’s also a liability taking land you have no desire to hold. Sure I understand all the benefits of this, absolutely. It’s great success. I just hope it translates into frontline changes where it matters more.
Might be, but now they are literally building trenches there.
Though times ahead for them. It took some time, but maybe we are at least close to the end now.
He is a drunk that does this a lot. It doesn’t deserve an article.