Is there anything fancy about the nozzle or is that just the general grift companies are doing with replacement parts?
Is there anything fancy about the nozzle or is that just the general grift companies are doing with replacement parts?
First of all: Nozzles are replacable and they are also cheap. They are also wearing down with time. So if you worry, just replace the nozzle. And if you want to know if there is still filament stuck in there, unscrew the noozle and look at it.
Be careful here: There is no reason for film companies to not attack Lemmy like that.
After everything Matt has been doing in the last months, I’m totally not excited to see anything he backs or pushes.
We decided on some cheap silver rings. We really didn’t want to carry around something extremely valuable everywhere. Go swimming and lose 5000€ in the lake? Do some yard work and lose your diamond ring there? Getting mugged and the robber is getting something really expensive? No, thank you.
Expensive wedding rings & jewelery did make sense in the past when women were not allowed their own money, bank accounts etc. as a way to escape an abusive husband. Pawn your expensive wedding ring, get cash for the getaway. But we’re not living in the 50s, my wife has her own bank account, is earning her own money, so no need for something like that.
It’s actually quite simple - not sure how it does work under the hood, but take a look at your documents. Every insurance, employer or company has its own letterhead with logo, contact information and legalese. You just tell paperless on one document “hey, that is my insurance, please tag everything like this as insurance” and it will do that.
I own a lot of systems and games and, well, you have a point. Gaming on an original device is really nice, but everybody should really think hard about just buying some flash drives for their favorite systems. Games are mass produced. Nothing artsy there. Just mass produced entertainment. A CD-Rom with some nice prints on there. A plastic shell with a sticker. A box. Nice to look at and if you can get them cheap, buy them. But there is no reason to spend hundreds of dollars to buy that one game from some scalper.
Since every language seems to be dropping percentage-wise: What is the market Steam is growing so much in? India?