Currently in love with all things fibre!

Trying to be the single crazy person bringing the unbridled fun of spinning yarn, crochet, and weaving to beehaw. I’m by no means an expert, just overwhelmingly passionate about all things wool. Toss questions my way, I’ll do my best to answer. :)

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • Adding onto this, you can’t really overhaul your entire life unless you have a place to live.

    I’m speaking from the other side, I spent some time homeless, and I agree with you. Some people do need more than just a place to live. They need mental health treatment, they need assistance with their drug dependency. They need professional help.

    But, it’s also impossible for someone to consistently get professional help unless they have a consistent place to rest their head.

    Because again, I am agreeing with you, but the part I disagree in is the order of where mental illness comes in. Because I reckon for a lot of homeless folk, they start off fine, and then the trauma of the situation sends them completely mentally loose. I was lucky to have the internet and my friends to keep me stable enough, and even I have plenty of screws lost now.

    It’s a hard issue to solve, and I genuinely think it’ll take decades of actual effort (not half measures) to see some actual gain. And homelessness is literally ingrained into an economy of winners and losers. Because it is a lot more than just stop making people homeless at this point.

  • I got this specific wool from here. I’m lucky to live in Australia where Merino are just about everywhere, so I get some wool from here too. But that one is quite local.

    World of wool is by far the biggest and the cheapest option for finding wool though. Even with the shipping included. Plus, it’s the only place I could find Angora at a price that didn’t make me want to die.

    Weirdly enough, there’s a LOT of fleece on the Facebook marketplace, just more unprocessed. That might be an option with a lot more work involved if you’re up to it.

    Also, a good place to look is wool and sheep shows. Iirc, there was one in Maryland not too long ago. They generally pop up all around the place though.

  • Hey! Spindles are great! Once it clicked for me, and I moved on from the park and draft method I was having a blast haha. There’s a book called “Respect the spindle” all about this. I’ll write up my guide to be more general and welcoming to spindle users. There’s the saying that a wheel is more efficient by hour, but a spindle is more efficient by week. Alas, I’m not a knitter. I might jump in soon though, hehe.

  • Honestly, this might be a bit of a hot take coming in. But I don’t think the lengthy tutorial is the actual issue when it comes to modern Pokemon games. Plenty of games have very slow openings, monster hunter is the first that comes to mind.

    I think the issue is that the game doesn’t actually have any depth behind the initial tutorial. Once you know how to battle, catch, and level up, what more is there? Barring competitive play, the basic mechanics are the entire game.

    Legends was a breath of fresh air, because you did have to explore and learn about the world and Pokemon in order to succeed. Even if it was incredibly minimal.

    If anyone is still reading this, my recommendation for a game that scratches the deep mechanical and monster collecting itch would be Monster Sanctuary. The story is thin on the ground, and the designs themselves can lean on the simpler side. But my god, I haven’t seen an equal when it comes to team building or strategy. Genuinely fantastic.