my first smartphone was an lg optimus s. that thing saw more toilet time than my butt. i lost track of how many times i dropped it in the toilet. it went in a lake a few times, also. it was a beast
my first smartphone was an lg optimus s. that thing saw more toilet time than my butt. i lost track of how many times i dropped it in the toilet. it went in a lake a few times, also. it was a beast
how to properly use an extinguisher is also a life saving YSK.
P - pull pin A - aim at the BASE of the fire S - SQEEZE (DO NOT pull) trigger S - sweep base of the fire
i recently heard a story about parents that ran over their kid. they did a bunch of petitions to mandate backup cameras. i couldnt quickly find anything to back this up though
depending on you weather preferences Radar Now is a great weather radar app. ive used it for years
i tie my laces the fancy pants way Kirby Allison demonstrated on his you tube channel. sorry im new here and dont know how to link things get. the basics are instead of one time around the loop you go twice around and then proceed as usual. since i started doing this my laces have never come untied by themselves. to release the knot just pull both tails at the same time it doesnt have an app but you can create a shortcut on your homepage. it can break down tasks to the most simple or keep it general