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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Oh man, this is awesome - it’s wonderful hearing from the practitioners of the art!

    I’m just trying to figure out what driver establishing the tipping point for breaking or the ban hammer - is there any empirical data to drive these decisions, or is the fediverse user base small enough that you act on “feel” or “professional instinct”?

    Managing emerging technologies fascinates me so any input - including the germs you’ve already volunteered - is very much appreciated 👍

  • Thamk you for the insight, instance administrator views are valuable and unique.

    At the risk of sounding like I’m presenting a bad faith argument, why ban them? I don’t like the whole “free market” analogy but surely it’s one of the liberating features of federated servers, being able to to largely express your votes or content as you see fit within the legal framework of the host nation. Wouldn’t the odd one or two mass downvoters/upvoters/theyvoters ultimately be a statistical abberation or is the fediverse still small enough for this sort of shit to carry weight?

    Open criticism of my view welcome, as always!

  • Purely a subjective opinion (and I apologise if the artist shows up in this thread) but is it me or does it look like the person who made the background took a step back after it was done, marvelled at how pretty it was, and enjoyed the moment before thinking “…fuck I forgot about O’Brien”?

    It’s a great bit of artwork but poor Miles looks like an afterthought!

  • Nightdive’s track record is stellar in fairness.

    I’ve still got my PS1 copy of PO’ed and it hasn’t aged well at all. I think the world was still clamouring for new and inventive Doom-clones at the time that people were willing to forgive clunky gameplay and unbalanced weapons, but this remaster will do it a whole load of favours.

    Disruptor is another mediocre game that springs to mind, but was well received because it was the best-of-the-rest in what we now know to be first person shooters. That would be a cool remaster too - perhaps even Lifeforce Tenka, or even Sentient if they were feeling brave.