Alt account of for looking at stuff Beehaw defederated

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • For sure. That one I can at least… Understand or appreciate that it is related to how hard it is to host potentially illegal content in the jurisdiction the instance is hosted in. But the way the MB/FC situation has been handled is… Embarrassing. Like there’s no way to defend it other than “you yourselves are biased and you want to dictate the kind of bias that is acceptable”

    It speaks to a lack of media literacy by the moderation administration of the instance

  • The lesson of the Luddites is to fight the industrialist who wants to take away the pleasures of being human in the name of enriching said industrialist. Time and effort saving mechanisms should benefit the laborer, and no one else. That their movement has been labeled as being resistant to human progress or uninformed of the benefits of industrialization tells on our society’s propaganda mechanisms and our failure to teach our own history

  • Having read all the context and the “debunking,” no, I don’t think that person is delusional. I think they’re just more sensative to how certain patterns of actions can be hurtful to marginalized groups than awesomekling is, and that awesomekling has showed a consistent pattern of associating with, and empowering, bad folks, and for not taking it seriously when people say “associating with bad folks makes the project less inclusive, and makes people less willing to contribute.” The justification he provides basically boils down to “Well you don’t contribute so I don’t have to listen to” when part of why people aren’t contributing is that they make first contributions and he offhandedly dismisses them. It’s interesting to me that “trans people exist” is a political agenda but “we refuse to acknowlege your pronouns and will change them with moderator powers on our discord” isn’t.

    I disagree that people trying to make the language of technology more inclusive are doing nothing but causing trouble. They’re trying to make our communities more open to more contributors, and by slamming the doors in their faces we prevent them from continuing forward. And here’s the thing: I’ve seen this play out before. Really big, really successful, projects see consistent long term contributions and develop and grow over time. Projects that are harmful to marginalized groups get niche appeal but not mass adoption. Also whether or not he supports right-wing politics, I find it hard to take it seriously that someone who’s so “wholesome” is “just” a misogynist or a transphobe. Those are serious allegations, and ones that I haven’t seen well addressed, and ones I don’t care to associate myself with until awesomekling shows up and puts in the work to make it clear marginalized people are welcome working on his codebase. As of right now? It seems he’s perfectly willing to accept money and code from people who show consistent patterns of abuse.

    As a left-aligned person, myself, I ALSO think we need to stop excusing hate, but I think that looks somewhat different.