Absolutely not. Immediately trade that shit in. Uh uh. No. Fuck off. Keep fucking off. Fuck off some more. Fuck off until you’ve circumnavigated the globe then fuck off again.
Not just not but hell no.
Absolutely not. Immediately trade that shit in. Uh uh. No. Fuck off. Keep fucking off. Fuck off some more. Fuck off until you’ve circumnavigated the globe then fuck off again.
Not just not but hell no.
Fucking monstrous doesn’t even begin to describe it.
Ace Combat 7.
The Canyon Run is kicking my ass.
Thank you.
If they’re smart enough to cheat they’re smart enough to pass.
Be real now. How much of that stuff do you all really use in your daily lives?
Because the real world doesn’t care about rote memorization as long as the work gets done in my experience.
So to people that have played it, how is it? Like compared to previous FF?
I love it. And I’m terrible at it.
I am however world class when it comes to killing everyone after a cockup.
Don’t pretend he’s actually trying.
He doesn’t want to end it. He is a dual citizen.
He works for Netanyahoo. Not the US president.
Welp. Look for the colonizers to start using biological weapons. Seems like every time a sane person makes a suggestion they line up 3 new sharks to jump.
That genocidal lunatic doesn’t need a reason.
I generally am pretty chill. But RDR2 is the single single best game Rockstar will ever make. It’s a top 5 of all time. Story and gameplay. World building. Just all of it.
Yes. Now off you fuck.
That trailer looked awesome.
Looks fantastic.
So you missed the point of both games entirely.
Just say that up front in future discussions.
If you want murderhobo simulator GTAOnline and RDOnline are for you.
Could have been amazing. But Rockstar only cares about selling shark cards.
How do I change my avatar on Connect?
I was begrudgingly enjoying it up until the beginning of Chapter 3 when my saves suddenly deleted themselves.
I haven’t been able to start over again. Even on the easiest difficulty I struggled for every millimeter of progression up to that point.
Jailbreak it and sideload some WADs.