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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Reminds me of a joke told by an old Polish priest from his time in the Soviet Union.

    A party official is sent to a village that hadn’t been meeting it’s quota.
    He meets with the mayor and tells him "Trucks are coming tomorrow. The central committee has decreed you will fill them with your potato stockpile.
    “As you say Comrade” says the mayor, “our potato stockpile is stacked high enough to reach God.”
    “God?” Retorts the official incredulously “There is no god in the Soviet Union!”
    The mayor shrugs “There are no potatoes either”

  • When I had my house reinsulated last year I took the opportunity to run cables from every room to a small closet, and then a run from that closet to the router. Had some… experience, learning how to wire in the sockets, and right now only my office is connected with a bit of patch instead of the switch I’ll eventually need to get the other rooms live, but it’s so much more reliable than it was with WiFi or poweline. Not to mention that those technologies only just kept up with the 36Mb VDSL I’ve been stuck on for the last 10 years. Having ethernet means I’ll actually be able to get the most out of the 500Mb FttP I’m getting next month.