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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 20th, 2023


  • Yeah, I don’t go back to places like that, I leave reviews, and I tell anyone who mentions car trouble “don’t go to this place here”

    There’s a shop about 35 minutes from me I’ve been at for awhile now, they’ve saved me quite a bit of money over the years and the ONLY time I’ve had an issue with something, THEY contacted ME to ask me to come back in so they could fix a mistake.

  • I’ve had mechanics tell me my cabin filter is bad on a vehicle that didn’t have one.

    I’ve had mechanics show me how gross my spark plugs were in a diesel engine sedan.

    I’ve had mechanics tell me I need new tires on a truck I had just replaced the tires on two weeks beforehand, and driven in mud.

    I know more about my truck’s issues than the guy who just did an oil change and casually glanced at a couple other things.

    All that said, I still appreciate an actual mechanic (not the lube guy who started on Tuesday) telling me what they found wrong. You ever know when you might actually miss something.

    But for real, fuck that spark plug guy.

  • Well, since nobody is hiding in bunkers waiting for the fallout to dissipate and radiation levels to drop far enough that quick surface travel is survivable, I’m gonna call bullshit.

    They may have done a thought exercise like how sometimes you might get super bored and go “what if that old man goes crazy and pulls out a sword” and plan out a fight scene.

    There is no “we did a test of our nuclear strike response” because no matter what that plan is, it will not work. No battle plan survives contact with the enemy, everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth. Your nuclear response plans mean fuckall when 80% of the people involved in your test will be dead in under 30 minutes. What is the estimate now? Like 12-20 minutes of warning?

  • People are a bit nicer in general here, I think, although certain niche subreddit were far more welcoming to newcomers.

    I’ve only had two people on lemmy so far tell me my thoughts are stupid without bothering to explain why they feel this way, and only one person has assumed they know my life from a single comment. (homer_so_far.gif)

    I have yet to see a single interaction where someone has changed someone else’s mind in an amicable and polite way with both thanking each other for their time though.

    I tend to focus less on news post comments though. Someone calling me an idiot because I don’t blindly support something or someone doesn’t phase me.

    Someone breaking down my comment about why Picard is a better starfleet captain than Commander Sisko and giving me reasons why I’m stupid for thinking that? That’ll stay with me for a few days.

    Perhaps I just don’t interact unless it seems like the general vibe agrees with me, and therefore people are more likely to be nice, because I don’t like rejection and mean comments are just different kinds of rejection, so I hide in places I know will like me.

    0 reason to interact when you know there’s a good chance you will come out unhappy, I get it.