FOSS enthusiast and anime fan.

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  • 27 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • From what I can tell they are working on updating their electron version to one that is aware of pipewire, this is the first part of solving the issue (especially for Wayland folks), the second part is just fixing some code in the client to deal with that and then it should be fixed until we deprecate pipewire in 2079. Additionally it would make discord finally act as a native Wayland app instead of being forced in xwayland.

  • I heard of MakeMKV before, thing is that I generally don’t buy blu-rays because of the downright horrible DRM schemes.

    if DRM makes it harder for me to enjoy the content I bought and paid for (this includes limiting me to some lowres garbage even though my system is more than capable of playing HD and FHD video) compared to what I would get if I were to pirate it then it’s a problem of distribution; not one of morality.

    you will always have some group that pirates your content no matter what; but if buying gives me a worse product because of artificial restrictions put on it I can’t give any less of a shit.
    there’s very few streaming platforms that even give me a decent option (and I don’t even properly own my library; all I get is a license to watch/listen to something, one that could be revoked at any time in the future without me being able to do anything except complain about it).

  • Sorry for the late response (for some reason eternity took a bit to show me this).

    I used matrix a long time ago so I don’t remember it too well but from what I recall my reasons for leaving are:

    1. lack of proper apps There’s a few apps for matrix; but if you want to use matrix as a discord replacement you are locked into either the official element app or hope a 3rd party app supports it. Additionally most clients are written using electron; which lies at the core of a lot of issues discord has.
    2. voice calling This is less of a concern about matrix itself; but if you want to use it as a discord replacement VOIP is a hard requirement, discord has it’s current market share because it had a really easy to set up and use VOIP service compared to skype (which ran itself into the ground to become teams) and teamspeak (which you need to host yourself or rent a server for). Matrix does 1:1 voice calls fine (it beats 2016 discord), but group and video calls are done over jitsi which takes the app from an annoying background electron hog to a devourer of frames when you’re trying to play a game on less than ideal hardware. also because you can host a jitsi conference basically anywhere it defeats the purpose of doing one over matrix.
    3. self-hosting This is something I’ve heard from others as I never hosted any of these; but this is from more than just luke smith’s video. Matrix servers are resource hogs, especially compared to the xmpp/jabber servers which I’ve heard are pretty lightweight and have the ability to integrate accounts from mastodon, lemmy, pleroma, … Do note that I don’t have personal experience on this point, so take it with a grain of salt.
    4. matrix is unintuitive This is coming from somebody who has braved the discord UI for ages which is far from intuitive either; but matrix takes a special medal in my book. It’s like it’s trying to mimic slack (which discord also does); but channels and servers are mixed? The UI for element (although nice looking) is straight up terrible, settings were all over the place, and when I finally thought I’d figured something out there’s 3 more things I’d have to configure which are in totally different menus, friend and server channels are mixed with no way of separating them (unless there’s an option in a settings panel somewhere; but even I who figured out discord’s community onboarding didn’t find it) The encryption and approval process for new apps is nice, on paper… in reality it means that if you get logged out on your main session (which I found constantly happened on element) you’d be unable to read any messages before and you now had to resecure your account through one of the settings panels which I will tell you right now that no sane person will ever figure out so now all the messages they send come with a warning attached. lastly there’s the same issues you have with trying to onboard people onto mastodon or lemmy where they need to find an instance and deal with defederation; but turned up to 11 with nobody really explaining it. they also tell (suggest strongly so nobody really chooses anything else) you to make your account on the primary matrix server anyways which defeats the point of a decentralized protocol as nearly everyone is on the same instance.

    1, 2, and 4 were by far my big gripes; and I probably could overcome 4 today now I’m familiar with the fediverse (which I wasn’t even a year ago) and I bet the UI has improved at least a little since my last endeavor years ago; but 1 and 2 are dealbreakers if it ever wants to pull anyone from discord, either make the official app good, or get decent 3rd party ones; discord is surviving on linux because it’s still the best option and it’s not even a decent one, voice calling also needs to be improved if it wants me; because it’s just easier to set up and host your own mumble server than get any shred of performance in matrix group calls and mumble’s VOIP implementation is nothing short of excellent.

  • If I can give my thoughts on what I’ve seen in research and linking various factors together.

    1. A not insignificant amount of neurodivergent people tend to pursue a career in IT (mainly people with ASD), these people can learn a lot through self study as it tends to align more with their personal interests, at some point through this they may become exposed to Linux and open source and subsequently choose to learn about that.
    2. Research has revealed a strong link between ASD and gender dysphoria. People diagnosed with ASD are ~4 times more likely to experience it.
    3. Even if you go through gender reassignment, you are still subject to the societal programming associated with your initial gender (which for boys tends to include videogames).

    While these 3 facts on their own don’t mean much, I can see how these come together to create an above-average amount of trans women in the IT and Linux spheres and this only gets amplified by stereotypes.

    That said, this is mere speculation on my end based on the things I mentioned above, I am sure it plays a role; but I cannot be sure as to how significant that is in the grand scheme of things.

  • main pc: 2015 toshiba satellite held together by duct tape (runs arch BTW) second pc: an old HP laptop that was given to me recently, don’t know when it was made but it has a windows 7 sticker on it (also runs arch BTW am I good for 2 accounts here now?) and a tower PC I was given and used as makeshift server until the HDD started failing S.M.A.R.T. tests and I haven’t replaced the drive on it yet, ran various things on it, but mostly centos (before it got killed) and then rocky, also has a windows 7 sticker on it.

    (and like the true weeb I am I named them all after anime girls)

  • you should be able to reconfigure the plugin, I have it set to pull from history first and after that look for standard command completion using the following:

    ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_STRATEGY=(history completion)

    important is that you put this BEFORE sourcing the plugin.

    the github should carry more information on how to configure this plugin.

    PS: I use all of 4 plugins (fzf-tab-bin, zsh-autosuggestions, zsh-syntax-highlighting, zsh-history-substring-search) and I have a better shell in zsh than I will ever have in fish, I don’t need anything more fancy and oh-my-zsh is hell to work with compared to a simple .zshrc I handrolled because it’s got any other shell I know beat (yes I know of nushell and it is cool, but it’s even less posix than fish). also, once you’re done run zcompile .zshrc, you won’t regret it.

  • Sort of, that said I rarely pull open qpwgraph (and I didn’t configure wireplumber yet either) and it’s been pretty ok for me.

    Also remember that all these nodes correspond to some input or output stream (good chance it might be gstreamer or ffmpeg doing this) and from what I think is happening is that these are created by these programs through the pipewire API or the one from the other audio servers it’s faking and wireplumber merely hides them using some flag.

    That said, I have not dug I to the pipewire documentation so this is a guess on my part.

  • Pipewire is the audio server

    Wireplumber manages your interfaces and their connections automatically

    Qpwgraph let’s you view and modify these interfaces and connections manually

    Bot wireplumber and qpwgraph talk to pipewire to change the state of your interfaces, but they are unaware of each other. Theoretically this means you can forgo either qpwgraph or wireplumber, but you don’t really want to go without wireplumber as that would mean you have to configure every interface and connection manually.