Hopefully this works out better than the time they made iTunes for Windows
I’m just this guy, you know?
Hopefully this works out better than the time they made iTunes for Windows
Except we primary him and we either lose and get blamed for when he loses, or watch our progressive challenger lose because the rest of the country hates him.
America isn’t nearly as progressive as us Internet weirdos think it is.
I hate Biden and hate that I have to vote for him. Future generations are definitely going to hate us.
For more inclusive piracy, check out Our Flag Means Death
There’s a new theory that the ramps were actually internal. I like it because it means they don’t need to bring a lot of extra material and manpower to the site just for the ramps since they’re built into the structure of the same material.
Nation-states were a stupid idea to begin with
I think it has more to do with maintaining a manufacturing base for defense than it is about jobs or the economy.
I was a teenager who wanted to be a 1337 haxxor so I found out what warez were, and then wanted to play a bunch of games for free.
Shipbuilding and car manufacturing both have extensive defense applications. They’ll keep both around because if there’s a war they need a local industry.
Now pack it full of explosives and drive it into the Kursk bridge
Not just Little Ben, but also Medium Ben and Not-Quite-As-Big-As-Big-Ben Ben
I remember those days. Except back then you had the added challenge of finding space for it on your 1.2GB hard drive
I can be at home, but it’s not until I’m in comfy pants, on the couch, with a drink in hand that I’m home
I’ve worked for a couple startups and you’re absolutely right. If you make a profit you pay taxes on that money, so startups like to spend most of the money they bring in. They also want to show revenue growth, since that’s what investors like to see. You grow revenue by getting more paying customers. And you do that by doing what your customers want.
When you go public, your goal is to increase shareholder value. So you do this by reducing costs and finding ways to wring customers out of revenue. You find ways to nickle and dime customers out of revenue so much you develop an entire branch of law devoted to you suing your customers
Irish unification, Bell riots, and then the nuclear war
So what? It figured out The Answer, big whoop.
Get back to me when it figures out The Question.
Anyone wounded by monkeys should seek immediate medical attention
I’d say that’s solid advice even if the monkeys aren’t infected
I remember when iTunes was called SoundJam MP and that was much nicer than iTunes. I still miss its eclipse visualizer.