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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023

  • Agreed that they have a pretty big military in terms of raw numbers. I’m not going to discuss quality because the biggest question mark here is force projection.

    How are they planning on sending over any significant manpower and supplies across 2800km?

    They don’t even have a navy capable of circumnavigating the korean peninsula, much less make the trip to Ukraine or the wrong side of Russia.

    They have 2 transport aircraft, the bigger of the 2 has a max passenger capacity of 44 pax. Neither of those have the range to get near Ukraine when flying fully fueled, nevermind if it were fully loaded.

  • All it really amounts to is a small headstart. It seems like a big gap initially because you’re comparing 0 years of experience vs 2 years of experience.

    But across a 30 year career its a mere 7% difference. Frankly after 5 to 10 years of experience it becomes a lot less about how long you’ve worked, it instead becomes more about how you’ve spent those years and how that translates into benefitting the company. When a company is hiring for mid level and above, it doesn’t really matter to them that someone has 8 years vs 10 years. An extreme example would be someone with 5 years at Google vs someone who spent 10 years jumping between small start ups.

  • The frogs bred for consumption are typically bull frogs or pig frogs. These are not the endangered frogs. Endangered frogs are tiny, their entire body weight is probably less than a single leg of a bull frog and its not commercially viable.

    The endangered frogs are native to places like South America, where they are suffering from a loss of habitat and from chemical pesticide/herbicide run off from farms that are killing them off. In other regions they also suffer from light pollution.

    I doubt its that the French are to blame, especially when east asia has a huge consumption of frog legs

  • I wouldn’t be so quick to discount her injuries. Ask anyone with a nagging back injury, some days you feel like an absolute champ and can throw a damn tree, but other days you’re bed ridden from pinched up nerves. Thats just the nature of the injury.

    I had a friend who got into a car accident, driver drove off a bridge. She’s got a permanently fked up back. But you’d never know it from looking at her. Some days she’s out and about playing football and cycling, other days she’ll take 2 hours to get out of bed because the slightest movement will leave her in tears from her fked up vertebrae.

  • Drones are becoming a huge game changer.

    Even simple unarmed $300 drones with an IR camera are proving to be extremely effective. The level of live battlefield information and situational awareness they are bringing to commanders on the ground is at least equivalent to what a platoon of recon troops can offer.

    Next up are the drones capable of carrying light loads like air dropped grenades or explosives than can take our expensive vehicles like aircraft. The return on investment for these systems are insane.