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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 17th, 2024


  • It’s actually in England, although funnily enough the part of England it’s in is called Cumbria, which has the same origin as the Welsh for Wales “Cymru”. So it’s sort of in Wales, just not the Wales that we call Wales in English.

    Anyway it’s Old English torr, Middle Welsh penn, and Danish hoh. And like many British place names the pronunciation is not what you would expect at all at first glance. It’s “tra-pen-uh”

  • jesus fucking christ the land that RAF Akrotiri is on is not and has never been part of the political entity that Hezbollah is issuing threats to here. It is not leased from the Cypriot government. There is no arrangement allowing Britain to run a base on Cypriot land. It is just not Cypriot land. You are doing the equivalent of blaming Morocco for something Spain does in Melilla, or blaming Spain for something Britain does in Gibraltar.

  • There’s also the simple fact that there’s almost nowhere for the SNP to go but down. Virtually any result would be a loss for them because there are so few seats that they could have but currently don’t. All the drama with the end of Sturgeon’s tenure and Yousaf’s brief leadership will not help them either (plus, of course, just the loss of Sturgeon as a very effective politician).

    They do have a ridiculous proportion of Scotland’s seats right now, though. They won those seats completely fair and square, but FPTP makes them unbelievably overrepresented compared to their actual vote share. It’s a shame that they’re the biggest party that wants to actually do something about that