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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Pascal was a famous thinker of their time, particularly in mathematics.

    Two of the ideas they’re remembered for are Pascals Triangle and Pascals Wager.

    Their triangle is a helpful tool for combinations of things. Their wager is a (kinda bad in my opinion) argument for why you should believe in the Christian God.

    The xkcd comic is a combination of both ideas

  • Let’s start simple: You should consider hoping from Linux Mint to LMDE if you haven’t already.

    As a user, you have no obligation to participate in the politics between the Ubuntu and the Mint Development team, but if you’ve followed the controversy and agree that Ubuntu is being a bully, this would be a small yet material way to show support.

    what am I missing?

    Every Linux distribution has a purpose - a reason its author thought it was worth the effort of creating it. Some are grand, others are silly, etc. When you explore distros, you’re telling the community which ideas resonate with you. Popular ideas will replicate, unpopular ideas will be abandoned.

    Also, switching distributions makes it harder for business to ‘capture’ the Linux demographic. The mere act of switching occasionally means that tools to import/export/manage your data stay relevant. This literally fights enshitification.

    Finally, and this is a matter of personal taste, but I like trying different versions of Linux for the same reason I try different flavors of ice cream: It’s fun; and even if now and then I get a bad flavor, I feel enriched by the experience.

    (Edit: it’s to its)

  • Yes, at the beginning of the pandemic it was discovered that Plex Inc had been tracking, reporting home, and selling user watching habits to advertisers. Basically the exact thing many Plex users were trying to get away from.

    This inspired many developers (who were otherwise stuck at home due to said pandemic) to fork Emby and thus Jellyfin was born.

  • Yes. Absolutely 100%. Canonical has a pretty solid track record of acting like a corporation.

    Can’t speak for @StarkillerX42@lemmy.ml, but I was happy with Ubuntu when they first started - they took the best of open-source, put it in a nice package and then put money into improving it. It’s just over the years they’ve drifted away from that and slowly have been replacing stuff with their own in-house stuff. At this point, they’re sorta Microsoft light. Maybe harmless today, but only because they want to look better than the competition.

    If that alone weren’t sufficient reason to be skeptically pessimistic, enshitification is trending, all corporations seem to feel that now is the time to turn the screws. Can’t blame a guy for expecting bad news generally in this environment.

  • I’m pretty sure @randon31415@lemmy.world was trying to create a simplified example. To include a generic autistic tech we can modify the example to “40 people making 10 things an hour. A clever autistic person comes along and writes a computer script that improves efficiency. Now 19 people make 20 things an hour, the autistic tech makes 5 times as much as one of the original people and has the specialty job of maintaining the script, the business owner lays off 20 people (4x of their pay compensates the tech) and the business owner pockets the other 16x as extra profit”

    The 19 people still employed don’t get any more pay for their extra efficiency, nor do they get any more time off.

    The 20 people who were let go at no fault of their own now apparently don’t get to eat or live or have any kind of security until they reeducate themselves to a new line of work.

    The autistic tech doesn’t understand where their additional pay comes from, but is happy to get rewarded well for their good work.

    If questioned about why the 20 people needed to be let go, the business owner will blame the scripts efficiency instead of their own decision to pocket the money.

    However, to answer your question directly: it does not matter how many new jobs or specialty positions are created - if the net pay available to workers is reduced and the net jobs workers can fill are reduced, some workers are destined to get the short straw.

  • Ahh, so this isn’t a processing issue it’s a data access issue.

    Frankly, if you can’t access the raw data of your voicemail inbox, probably no third party developer can too. This means that the only way to implement such a tool would to be to work with the voicemail provider. If they’re a for-profit company, they probably have no incentive to make the data available unless there’s a big moneybag involved somewhere in the exchange. That’s probably why no such tool exists.

  • I recommend using Transwiz to zip up your user profile, you can move the .trans.zip file to a neutral location (external drive, network storage, etc). Of course if you have valuable information stored outside the C:\Users folder, back it up as well. Now you should have a system you can safely mangle, destroy and rebuild without worrying about user data. Once you’ve built your new setup, extract the zip folder into /home/[your_name] or ~ and you’re all set.

  • With the exception of a handful of titles, this is a quickly evaporating problem, due to Valve pouring millions of dollars into the development of the Steam Deck (motivated by wanting to separate themselves from being dependent on their computer Xbox/Microsoft).

    Valve recently passed 11,000 playable or verified titles for the Deck, and since the Deck is Linux, that means 11,000 playable games in Linux (with priority on the most played games)

  • I think your setup is fine. I use a raspberry pi on each TV in my home as a media player (Jellyfin, retroarch, sometimes steam link) then also make them act as a docker cluster on the backend to play around with making some services ‘high availability’ so that the service moves around to whichever TV is not under load. I’m also playing with HDMI-CEC on those Pi’s to let my home assistant (also running on a single board computer, zima board) send commands to the TVs and all HDMI connected devices. I have a Pi running Open Media Vault with two drives that provide redundancy. The only high power device I use is my Linux gaming machine also doubles as my Jellyfin transcoder.

    I too enjoy the silence and lack of moving components of this setup.