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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I’m a bit late to the party, but I would be inclined to agree with the majority here. Your choice to have their cookies deleted on browser close is adding more friction to an already quite high friction process - you managed to get them to switch over, you don’t want to undo all that over cookies of all things.

    You have to remember, it is their machine at the end of the day, and while you might be able to put up with having to redo 2FA loads due to cookie deletion, they’re clearly not… And if that’s going to be the dealbreaker, you’re far better off forgetting cookie deletion for now and focusing on more passive privacy options like blocking 3rd party cookies, trackers, and ADs.

  • I’d think of it like this…

    • The universe is ~13 billion years old. However for the first few billion years, the universe was a wildly dangerous place to live. A sea of Hydrogen generating Supermassive stars, exploding within just 100,000s/millions of years, and generating many of the heavy elements that exist today. Even if a planet could form in these conditions, chances are it would’ve been annihilated before life could develop.

    • I don’t know exactly when the universe started to “stabilise”, but let’s say there is ~10 billion years of time that a planet like Earth could’ve formed.

    • The Earth is ~4.5 billion years old.

    • Single-celled life arose ~3-4 billion years ago.

    • Complex multi-cellular life arose only ~500 million years ago during the Cambrian Explosion - so much needs to happen for complex life to arise that it could take a long time even in the best case scenario.

    • Humans arose only ~100,000 years ago… albeit had the dinosaurs not been around for so long, we could have come about maybe 10s of millions of years earlier.

    • From there basically everything comes down to how long it takes for a race to figure out farming, adopt a sedentary lifestyle that allows development of non-survival related disciplines, and to industrialise.
      In the case of humans, the oldest cultures are around 10,000 years old, and we industrialised only a couple hundred years ago.

    If we make the assumption that we’re not exceptional amongst any intelligent lifeforms, then it would make sense to assume that it takes roughly 3-5 billion years for a race to reach where we are now.

    That means we could be late to the party, and everyone else has already wiped themselves out, but it’s just as likely we’re right in the thick of it but just too far away from anyone else in our cohort to see anything, and vice versa.

    It’s basically just the Fermi Paradox - and the only way we get an answer is when the void answers back.

  • God damn Tories. What do they know about “best interests of the child” that a doctor doesn’t already know? Less than nothing is the answer.

    If a young person is suffering from gender dysmorphia to the point of considering gender affirmation procedures, then I think it’d be in their best interest to not exacerbate that condition. Delaying the onset of puberty via puberty blockers until they’re at the age where that can legally consent to such procedures isn’t exactly novel.

    Even if they eventually decide not to undergo those procedures, all you habr to do is take them off the blockers and they’d undergo puberty as normal. There’s not all that much downside for an awful lot of upside for those in need.