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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2023


  • In fairness, I think that’s more like the whole “mid-life crisis” cliche, which is actually just people reaching the point in their life they can afford the things they’ve always wanted (without going into crippling debt) and not some desire to relive their youth (my "mid-life crisis will be an expensive leather massage chair).

    I think even in a good relationship, the men who do that may not have had the time or available funds to pursue those hobbies (and in a bad relationship, may have been deliberately kept from them). It’s like going on a sushi kick after a breakup with an ex who hated sushi.

  • If there is one fire that set the entire Amazon on fire, that wouldn’t be a big deal because it’s only one fire?

    The whole point is the severity of fires due to climate change has made it so we’re fucked. As you’ve said, the same number of fires are occurring, they are just significantly worse. I would argue that 3 small fires in a fairly wet forest that goes out relatively quickly is favorable to 3 enormous fires that burn a significant percentage of a forest over several weeks due to that forest being dried out (caused by climate change). Your position seems to be “well, it’s the same amount of fires, so it’s not climate change.” It doesn’t make any sense.