We are all malted milkballs in god’s regretful milkshake
It’s more like the floor is a belt sander
I’d add the fact he was let off the hook due to his enormous profits. He beat the treason charges by having an objective measure of how very American he was. This was, of course, a fiction as usually these guys have to pay a fine, some small fraction of whatever was gained. They sometimes even get fingers wagged at them, I hear
And so it is that you by reason of your tender regard for the writing that is your offspring have declared the very opposite of its true effect. If men learn this, it will implant forgetfulness in their souls. They will cease to exercise memory because they rely on that which is written, calling things to remembrance no longer from within themselves, but by means of external marks.
The continuous grain on the drawer fronts is fucking perfect, my dude. This is the sort of work that makes me reevaluate my own. Kudos and make sure to use this in your portfolio: she’s a stunner
This sounds like the plot of a 90’s movie