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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • I hate Netanyahu because he’s an asshole who has ensured the people of Palestine will never get the slightest solution to their crisis. I don’t hate Israel or it’s people, regardless of what anything I may have said on the fediverse in the past (it’s REALLY hard not to be absolutely furious that kids are just plain being slaughtered over what was probably some fucking “BuT tHaT wOmAn WaS sHoUlD mY wIfE!!1!!1!” that happened so long ago nobody remembers it, and I am truly sorry for any past comments that could be interpreted as some sort of justification of anti-semetic violence; I do not want harm to come to anyone innocent and am just glad I have not let those poorly-chosen words inform my actions in any way) and I definitely don’t hate any jews living outside of Israel because anyone who thinks an expat or second+ generation immigrant has any links to a foreign nation really is dangerously xenophobic.

    If I thought there was a better way to help the people caught between these two sides, I’d be saying it. Unfortunately, it seems this issue will likely be solved only if the US decides it has to intervene in some way, which is why I absolutely support charging that asshole with a war crime. I don’t like it one bit, but I have to repeat myself: The attempted extermination of the Gaza Strip, despite the sheer irony of it being so, is industrialized genocide or “destruction of humanity” - a.k.a a Holocaust - by the very definition of the word. We truly live in the most vile timeline imaginable.

  • So is art itself. I might not name things the same as my inspirations or create anything identical, but I haven’t written a single thing that wasn’t based on something else.

    I don’t want the AI being trained on my work either, but that’s because I oppose “automated mass slavery”

    “Oh, you don’t want to be a slave in return for only the most basic of food and shelter? Sure, see if there are any jobs out there anymore, now that robots can do all of it for rich arrogant god complex sufferers like me. Lets lay the new ground rules… You’re DISPOSABLE to me. Beg and worship or die.” - A designated slaveowner’s thought process, 2084.

    Stop thinking like a capitalist and start thinking like you’re an angry drunk if you really believe LLM should be outlawed. Envy is not a flattering look on anyone, you included. At least protests and riots get shit done, even if that means sacrificing a lifestyle you’re clearly only enjoying thanks to being self-centered in your artistic pursuits.

  • Fact is, art is SO hard that I am in my 30s, broke and have no employable skills other than research, social skills (barely, blame Autism for ruining it for me) and creative ability.

    I earned, like, $15 to $20 CAD from publishing a book of short stories on Amazon over 2 years. Before you ask why, I am not excluding quality as a possibility but for the most part it’s because nobody is into optimistic post-singularity sci-fi anymore and I refuse to rely on anything but word of mouth for advertisement because screw the advertocracy.

    My point is, if people pirate Cody Gibling’s works, I’d rather they do so because I only want enough money to be comfortable and anything else I get would be aimed at more serious pursuits like activism. You know what I pirate? Anything that they make too hard to access in the first place. Like dead MMOs or completed movies that were cancelled to get the studio a free tax break.