It’s always moral to steal from billionaires
It’s always moral to steal from billionaires
Oh look another ubisuck game I won’t buy
I gave up trying to do the right thing now I just torrent everything and use Plex amp to steam to whatever it had worked fine for me
Sure they could sue but that’s a lose lose situation even if they won Google would not give them money anymore and they need that to stay in Business
Not saying anything bad about chrome is probably in the contract they have with Google which is most of their income
I have a dedicated computer for torrents and I don’t sign into any accounts with it, I also block torrents on my router and bind my client to my VPN seems to work out okay
I started years ago when cable was on top to get away from ads, I stopped for a few years but since ads have been making a comeback I started back up, screw ads
I deleted it and have no regrets, I couldn’t even say what I want without hearing someone from my family and I don’t care what crazy shit my family has to say I don’t even like them