Count Regal Inkwell

Nerd|Furry|Linux User|Ace|BiRomantic|Taken <3

Leftist with an incorrigible love for fancy aesthetics (mostly Renaissance Italy/Victorian England) that might be incorrectly read as a monarchist because of that.

Unicorn, but also occasionally gryphon.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • While I had some fun playing torchlight 2 with a friend back in the day, in reality I never got on with the entire genre (or its sibling the Looter-Shooter)

    It’s like

    Every video game is on some level a skinner box, but arpgs and lootershooters are the most transparent and cynical about it, idk. Well no, the SECOND most transparent and cynical about it, MMOs still take the cake.

  • Seems we had a similar idea –

    Sega Genesis/Mega Drive (850 MiB):


    Super NES (2,03 GiB):


    GameBoy+GBC (570 MiB):


    Sega Master System (91,7 MiB):


    Currently seeding all these.

  • Yes

    You can expect them to drop at maybe one more good product, as going public is what companies do when they want to raise a lot of funds for some project

    But after THAT, when it turns out that the new product is just… Making money instead of making ALL the money, the investors will take over and from then on it’s fucked.

    But yeah RPi has alternatives now. No need to tie yourself to them when they DO sink.

  • Oh! I am not the only one!

    Good. I thought I had fucked something up. Now I guess it’s something that is out of my hands.

    Guess I’ll just keep playing the ones that do work (it’s not a lot of them).

    Edit: Well, this dumbass here doesn’t have btrfs and can’t use snapper. BUT. I downloaded an older version of the kernel (from the 30th of last month) from the SUSE repo and installed that. I’ll try rebooting later and see if it makes a difference.

    Edit 2: WELL it didn’t work. Trying to boot into the older kernel caused other things to break. System seemed to load with a generic graphics driver instead of the proper driver for my AMDGPU… ? I imagine I’d have to downgrade more packages than just the kernel itself for things to actually function, but that is beyond by knowledge. Back to plan A of hoping it gets fixed. :P

  • After doing some sniffing: Yes AND no

    The default “gaming mode” that the Deck boots into is running wayland, specifically valve’s own gamescope compositor which has a lot of workarounds and breaks from wayland’s spec to allow for better gaming performance.

    When you quit out to “desktop mode” it loads into KDE Plasma with X11, although with recent changes to Plasma, it may well be that the desktop mode will change to being wayland based too.

  • I feel like a lot of the reason people are hesitant to hop into Linux is because of how everything that goes “under the hood” requires a bunch of terminal commands and text file changes.

    Ironic, then, that I learned how to Linux the hard way – In distros that expected exactly that from me. I cut my teeth in Arch and its siblings and sure, I can do that.

    But it’S SO MUCH FASTER AND EASIER to just click a few buttons and then shit just works. YaST is bliss.

    Like. DUDE. I don’t have to edit some files and then clench my asshole for 55 seconds while rebooting when I change a few entries in Grub.

    And Zypper actually CHECKS what processes are running and what packages you’re installing, and actually tells you if you do or don’t need a reboot, instead of a blanket “hmmmm we updated, should probably reboot but idfk, that’s your problem now” which is what both apt and pacman gave me.

    Quality of Life, it’s really underrated.