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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 16th, 2024


  • Guessing by kids we’re talking about young children and not teenagers because old YouTube was practically made for teenagers. The more popular layouts people used back then often had the same aesthetic as myspace pages. There was more gaming content on the site than anything else, followed by viral vids (=3).

    There’s a lot to dislike about the modern structure of the platform but as a grown adult I appreciate that there’s a much larger variety of content now which was essentially what the shift in design was supposed to achieve.

  • There are merits for it and against it. My biggest concerns would be privacy regarding data scrapers .

    Regarding poor behavior, I really think that ultimately comes down to moderation on the platform. I’ve only had a few poor experiences but I am also someone who sometimes sees certain threads as dumpster fires and refrains from joining in or refrains from responding when I feel there isn’t any form of discussion or chatter to be had. I can understand that it likely happens more often than not but I also believe that moderation is the only reasonable way of curbing it. Moderation teams have to make it clear that the behavior is not welcome and that it will be dealt with.

  • Can’t tell if you’re being ingenuine intentionally or just misunderstanding.

    This is far from a middle path. This is the path of aggressively standing between Russia and Ukraine. No where did I ever say that I blame Ukraine for fighting back either. They’re doing what is necessary, but the fighting shouldn’t have ever been necessary if other countries from around the world were willing to put their troops down and tell Russia no.

    As for Putin and the nukes, I really don’t get it. It’s always going to be this way with Russia. Are you just going to let them take more and more? If Russia invades the rest of Europe are they just not going to fight back because Putin has the capacity to nuke them? At some point there will be a confrontation between Russia and other countries from the world. How much are people going to be willing to give up out of fear that nuclear weapons will be used?

  • Are we not in a proxy war with Russia already by providing Ukraine with aid?

    If Russia truly refuses to back down when the other major superpower of the world getting directly involved, then that says much more about the future of our world.

    You’re right that we’ve done a great deal of damage to Russia. We’ve decimated their birthrate for generations I imagine, but that came at the cost of Ukrainian blood. If we can take preventative measures then we should take them whenever possible, and even if it causes a major war it will possibly prevent more in the future.