• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • You have to have the original game files either from the disk or downloaded from GoG or steam. Then you need tes3mp which runs great on linux and windows. I personally play on a server called neravarine prophecies, they have seasonal events and the community is a lot of fun. It uses the same engine as openMW so most of the mods that work on OpenMW are compatible, I’d stick with cosmetics to keep the servers you join compatible.

    Different servers have different rules, many of them forbid going into areas that cause server crashes, i.e. mornhould.

    I had a blast, then I got my kids to play and i was there to guide them a bit when the game gets tough.

  • i think this is what made it unfun, not the difficulty but the fact that you have to die a few times to even see what you’re supposed to do and it was aggravating way early in the game. Also I’m not a fan of the difficulty stemming from the controls being hard to use, like when you’re carrying stuff.

  • I could do that but I only have a couple of things in keepass so it’s easy to manage and backups are not very frequent. Bitwarden has EVERYTHING else and syncs across all my devices, if all that stuff was in keepass it would get combersome to generate backups every time I create a new entry or change a password. I could use nextcloud or something to sync the backup files but honestly this has worked well for me. I just setup keepass basically once, create a backup somewhere else, then use bitwarden for everything else.

    Alternatively, plenty of people trust bitwarden completely. Honesty I’d trust bitwarden more than a self hosted solution that I’ll likely neglect and probably fail to keep up with best practices because I barely got it working in the first place, also screw ISPs that use CGNAT, it’s 2023, give me an ipv6 address already.

  • It’s going to come down to how much you trust the provider but I’d say bitwarden is pretty solid. I use it for stuff I’m not particularly concerned about (like disney+ or some random forum) and I use keepass for stuff that would be particularly bad if it was compromised like banking credentials, I keep backups of my keepass DB on separate physical media.

    I also use a completely separate bitwarden account for all of my work accounts, keep that stuff separated, I only log into it from work devices and I never log into personal accounts from work devices.

  • PFAS is everywhere at this point. Unfortunately they’re reeeeeally good at what they’re designed for and they’re cheap. We’ll need viable alternatives so they can be phased out. I think they should be banned from products that don’t really need them like dental floss and hopefully we come up with an enzyme or something that can cheaply break it down in the environment.

    Side note, there has been at least one study that shows that donating blood regularly can reduce the amount of PFAS in your blood. This doesn’t solve the problem of the stuff being everywhere but it’s good to know you can remove it from your body over time.

  • l’m plenty open to evidence, it’s just every time I look at some it shows a new lie that nukebros tell.

    That’s not very open minded. I’m all for vetting your sources and skepticism, but going in with your mind made up is close minded.

    it requires holding more than one thought in your head at a time

    Look my dude, you’re clearly here to fight not discuss, and that’s fine we absolutely need to fight against the establishment, activisim is important. Fighting against your allies is a pro gamer move though.