I feel like AI + eugenics is a path to the Borg.
I think it’s no mans sky that tells you how long ago your last save was before you leave. That’s the ideal.
Guess he didn’t read the crowd.
Wait, they are allowed to have their votes count? Maybe America should join them
Everyone involved in her arrest and detainment is a criminal.
They know how dictatorships work.
I wanna hike through the suicide forest, for nostalgia.
And everyone needs a good fake cry now and then.
Electrocuted, cut in half, smashed… Once you see it, it can’t be unseen.
There’s also the Libby app
In the 90s, I remember going to rotten.com and seeing dead bodies. Kids these days don’t know about the wild west world web.
Welp, I guess if I still want to read any of his books, there will probably be a ton of them at the thrift store
I’m happy with my legion go, it can handle most aaa games pretty well. And if I want to upgrade later on, I’ll get an eGpu. Modular gaming system ftw
Neck tie for the top hat, bow tie with a bowler hat
It could vary by age group, so not most popular overall, but it’s relative.
That’s why TSCM now has a chip plant in Arizona, to ensure production.
Some military strategists are expecting China to make their move in the next couple years.
Why is California allowing ICE to arrest people in their State? Why doesn’t any state ban them?