You missing out
You missing out
what happened to the game I loved
Might as well shut down the whole damn site like nickelodeon day of play
most people just wanna play games man
I turned karmic dice off all the way back in the mindflayer ship when that lvl.5 demon thing was when weaving my lvl.1 party and I thought the game was broke
Bugsnax. mfs dont know what they’re talking about smh my head.
I’ve never seen a happy league player
Average anime sub behavior
Idk if I trust that some powermod won’t send me to hell if I vote against something they strongly believe in, akwardtheturtle style
The post is so easy to understand it’s hard to articulate why. OP is saying that they realized that the people who’ll hornypost on main like this are the people this game is aimed at, the same audience who’ll throw a fit over subreddits restricting sexualized posts of younger characters and call people tourists for not vibing with that
Just logged in for the first time in years and this was the first thing recommended. Fuckin’ grooming simulator
The majority of roblox cheaters don’t even know what a cmd prompt is
All the money that’s supposed to be spent fighting pedophiles are actually spent on SLAPP suits against youtubers exposing the pedophile developers on their payroll
I meant getting banned was part of the experience
When did they make 5?
gitaroo man lives
it’s what people on linux use to play windows games on linux