Solution: 1 bit computer
Solution: 1 bit computer
TIL diabetes doesn’t exist outside the US
XULRuner use to exist. I ran Chatzilla under it at one point in time.
There’s no way HL is over 20 years old, right?!?!
I truly believe WW3 has already begun. The big question is what side the US will end up on.
But Putin is sexy and I hate the gays!
Let somebody else be the Nazis for once Germany. It’s the US’s turn.
They are still racist they just don’t care about poor people whatever the color of their skin
A watt is 1 Joule per Second (1 J/s). E.g. Every second, your device draws 1 Joule of energy. This energy over time is called “Power” and is a rate of energy transfer.
A watt-hour is (1 J/s) * (1 hr)
This can be rewritten as (3600 J/hr) * (1 hr). The “per hour” and “hour” cancel themselves out which makes 1 watt-hour equal to 3600 Joules.
1 kWh is 3,600 kJ or 3.6 MJ
StackOverflowException was unhanded