Sure, but it doesn’t mean it won’t cause problems for our kind admin, Ernest. Eventually, someone will probably make it troublesome enough for him to reconsider.
Internet resident since '95. Reddit expat since '23.
Sure, but it doesn’t mean it won’t cause problems for our kind admin, Ernest. Eventually, someone will probably make it troublesome enough for him to reconsider.
There’s a fair bit of skepticism about DDG in here, and I’ve heard it before, but I feel like a lot of people are being pretty unfair to them. Are there search engines that don’t ultimately use Google or Bing? Yes, there are. Are they good? It depends on what you mean by that.
It takes enormous resources to index even “most” of the internet on a rapid, ongoing basis. This is the main reason why Google and Bing overall provide the most thorough results. The only independent search engine I would trust is perhaps Neeva, because it’s subscription-based. An engine claiming to be as thorough as Bing or Google that doesn’t take money directly from you is up to something.
A lot of what DDG is trying to do with its browser and search-ancillary features is find some way of making money because they have to pay Microsoft for Bing results.
It’s worth thinking about what our expectations are for search engines. If they must be free, but also not ad-supported and data-gathering… How can they afford to exist?
If you’re up to the challenge, you can run a “Subsonic” server at home for streaming your own music, including all of your hi-fi downloads from Bandcamp.
I’ve been very pleased with Navidrome, which is a server that implements the Subsonic API (so you can use any Subsonic desktop or mobile client). I basically have my own private Spotify that I can stream to my phone, and it’s got all the weird music I’ve accumulated over the years.
Didn’t even notice the brief AI disclaimer at the end until @Jiberish remarked about it! The piece is about 200% longer than it needs to be.
TL;DR: guy willfully violates copyright commercially for years, moves to Dominican Republic in the hopes the government won’t follow him there… They do. The end.