I’m think about putting them on bathroom fans as well. It would be really nice to have them automatically turn on/off based on humidity.
I’m think about putting them on bathroom fans as well. It would be really nice to have them automatically turn on/off based on humidity.
I was looking at the Enbrighten switches, the zigbee ones are on Amazon but they only list them the z-wave ones the Enbrighten website. Maybe the zigbee ones were discontinued? Seems like the industry is moving toward z-wave, maybe I should get a z-wave adapter as well.
The code for the first is there, its just on other branches, they seem to have a very unusual way of using git.
This first one has a QR code linking to its source: https://github.com/niilopoutanen/rss-feed
Unless I missed it, the second doesn’t claim to be open source. In any case this appears to be its source: https://github.com/maco2ou/finefeed
I’ve been using Fedora with Cinnamon almost exclusively for more than 10 years.
what relays do you recommend?