How so? Cow farts? The grass is going to emit the same gasses whether it decomposes in a cow stomach or in the dirt. I guess the solution to carbon emissions is to pave the earth! No more organics polluting everything.
How so? Cow farts? The grass is going to emit the same gasses whether it decomposes in a cow stomach or in the dirt. I guess the solution to carbon emissions is to pave the earth! No more organics polluting everything.
Interesting. I actually preferred the subreddits that were kind of quiet, where 50 votes was a super popular post and got maybe two dozen responses at most. Any more than that and it starts to become noise. But then I have niche interests and I’m older. Zoomers seem to thrive on the chaos and have no problem with a rapidly scrolling chat window or a 1000+ comments on a post. I prefer a thoughtful audience to a large one, and longer well formed posts. (Not meaning zoomers aren’t thoughtful, they just maybe communicate it differently)
Great point. To see if its worth joining a community I check how many posts it has, and then look at the posts to see if anyone actually reads them (votes). Too little activity its not worth wasting my time. i already have too many communities subscribed as it is.
Can a 4-yr old legally consent to the copyright assignment?
Minix! I actually went so far as to track down a copy of minix on Usenet and bought it, complete with floppy disks. But before I got around to installing it Linux became available, and I never got around to it. Can’t even imagine trying to install it in a foreign language. (It would be foreign for me anyway)
Yeah I installed 1.0 from floppy disks. I was really glad to get it on CD-ROM a bit later. I probably still have those floppies around here somewhere… I wonder if they still boot? Still have my old 486 around here somewhere too, come to think of it, but I needed a custom kernel to support my SCSI card and I’m definitely not going through that pain again. (Yes I had to boot off floppy drives in order to build a kernel image to be able to install it on my hard drive.)
Probably time to get rid of it.
Yeah they were predicting an ice age. And technically we’re still in an ice age, so the planet has to get warmer to reach it’s natural balance point. But it could also get cooler, because we’re in an interglacial period. If we don’t want continental glaciation maybe we should be thankful that the planet’s warming and not cooling.
As of the article it had only reached 38c, which is a mere 100.4 f. Everything else is just projection at this point. Weather forecast are always sensationally overhyped, especially around here, and especially when it plays into the political agenda.
Good answer