I assume that guy on the poster is dead, then?
I assume that guy on the poster is dead, then?
yes, that was all completely wrong. If Trump had been the one on top of the building and had fallen down (maybe accidentally hitting a stray bullet on his way down)… now THAT would have been closer
It is about fragility, like others said, but It is also about uniqueness, in the sense of “oh, so you think you’re soo special!”
see? It says it right here: “that thing you just did”
Good luck with that, Indian Priests. God personally stepped in to save Trump from being shot (not the hero firefighter, who didn’t meet the minimum income requirement of the Truly Blessed). He just took the tip of his ear, which is practically circumcision.
I do see your point, it would probably look funny from a safe distance… Chicken (especially roosters) can be vicious. Up close, a dinosaur-sized chicken would be freaking terrifying!
Yes, South Korea wouldn:t want to ruin their friendship with their neighbors in the North. You know the ones always sending them gifts
ah man, just when I thought I had a good grasp of English… The examples of how you’d phrase the second meaning are very helpful, thanks!
thank you!!
sorry for the question, I’m not a native english speaker… do you mean this as in “this is the Googlest thing ever” or “I have never read so many Google news in a week”?
Is it still “disputed” if absolutely nobody else thinks it’s Chinese? if I claim the Grand Canyon is mine, does it make it the Disputed Canyon?
I agree with you, and that’s what I choose to think when I feel like the “best” version of me.
But there are moments (or a part of me) that has a way more violent disposition and feels differently about people who do terrible thing.
I’m a very calm person and not at all violent so please don’t report me to the police on the base of these posts… That violent part of me is small and weak, but I just think it’s important to acknowledge it because it’s also the part that makes me recognize that a rapist or a murderer is a person like me and that it might be me, with the wrong set of circumstances, life choices and frame of mind.
He mentions rapists and murderers. I choose to think that they don’t deserve to be given a gruesome death (or a death sentence at all for that matter) but I’d be lying if I said I have never felt that way when reading about some f-ed up stuff on the news. Maybe I’m also higher on the Hitler scale than I thought I was.
Shit, I’m sorry, it was insensitive of me to make that joke (well, half-joke)
Well, they probably didn’t do it very scientifically but if they could think of it and the tools existed, someone in history is likely to have tried it as a method for killing people.
Impaled people, for instance, could allegedly take days to die. Being slowly eaten by ants or rats sounds pretty painful too
There’s one called “life” that is pretty cruel too. It might take anywhere from seconds to more than a hundred years for it to eventually kill you and some.people get to experience a lot of pain throughout the experience.
Zorr’ak notes, page 2:
Earthlings’ nutrition consists mainly of elongated pieces of synthetic rubber. These can’t be fully digested, so consuming the nutrients they contain is achieved by inserting them repeatedly in one or more of the mouths that Earthlings have in different parts of their anatomy.
Zorr’ak notes, page 3:
Several attempts to feed the Earthling specimen we collected have failed. We are releasing it to avoid it dying from starvation
NY Post, page 3 headline:
Texas man claims he was abducted by aliens and anal-probed
Russia and Ukraine are two countries that have thrown everything they had at each other: from good soldiers, to inmates, to good people who’d probably never held a weapon before.
At this point I imagine that having troops who are alive and actual trained soldiers, not emotionally and physically drained (if not outright mutilated) by years of fighting is a big advantage
If I was taken from my home and suddenly sent to fight for my country, no matter how full of patriotic love I might be, one North Korean child with a knife would be enough to take me out.