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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 3rd, 2023


  • In my experience, the way to get a good price on a new bike is to find two dealerships within a reasonable distance from you that are both trying to get rid of the same bike from last year. So, we’re only a little bit into 2024. If you can find two or more dealerships with 2023 models, spend time calling and texting each one of them. Tell them you’re ready to buy at x price and ask if this is possible out the door. Keep calling around, “I found one for $X. Can you beat that price?” If they can, take that price and call back the first one with the same question and the lowered price. Take your time. Don’t leave a deposit. It may take a week or so to find the best price. The only way you can get a good deal is if they’re stuck with these things and are competing with each other to get rid of them. Good luck!